Edison Arena Cube 2.0 (290 cube)

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July 4, 2024
Cube List - Singleton Cube
Sea Serpent
Winged Beast
32 Normal Spell 34 Synchro Effect Monster 2 Field Spell 10 Gemini Effect Monster 117 Effect Monster 5 Continuous Spell 16 Tuner Effect Monster 11 Quick-Play Spell 27 Normal Trap 7 Continuous Trap 6 Fusion Effect Monster 8 Flip Effect Monster 3 Equip Spell 5 Counter Trap 1 Spirit Effect Monster 1 Tuner Normal Monster 1 Synchro Monster 2 Fusion Monster 1 Normal Monster 1 Union Effect Monster
32 Normal Spell 34 Synchro Effect Monster 2 Field Spell 10 Gemini Effect Monster 117 Effect Monster 5 Continuous Spell 16 Tuner Effect Monster 11 Quick-Play Spell 27 Normal Trap 7 Continuous Trap 6 Fusion Effect Monster 8 Flip Effect Monster 3 Equip Spell 5 Counter Trap 1 Spirit Effect Monster 1 Tuner Normal Monster 1 Synchro Monster 2 Fusion Monster 1 Normal Monster 1 Union Effect Monster
  • Allure of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Ally of Justice CatastorSuper Rare
  • Ancient Fairy DragonUltra Rare
  • Ancient ForestRare
  • Ancient Gear KnightCommon
  • Ancient Sacred WyvernRare
  • Arcanite MagicianSuper Rare
  • Archlord KristyaUltra Rare
  • Armageddon KnightSuper Rare
  • Armed Sea HunterCommon
  • Armory ArmSuper Rare
  • Aurkus, Lightsworn DruidCommon
  • Avenging Knight ParshathRare
  • Battle FaderRare
  • Beast King BarbarosSuper Rare
  • Black BrutdragoSuper Rare
  • Black Rose DragonUltra Rare
  • Black WhirlwindSuper Rare
  • Blackwing - Blizzard the Far NorthRare
  • Blackwing - Bora the SpearRare
  • Blackwing - Gale the WhirlwindSuper Rare
  • Blackwing - Kalut the Moon ShadowRare
  • Blackwing - Shura the Blue FlameRare
  • Blackwing - Sirocco the DawnRare
  • Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of HonorSuper Rare
  • Blackwing Armed WingSuper Rare
  • Blackwing Armor MasterRare
  • Blazewing ButterflyRare
  • Blizzard DragonRare
  • Book of LifeRare
  • Book of MoonRare
  • Botanical LionCommon
  • Bottomless Trap HoleCommon
  • Brain ControlRare
  • Breaker the Magical WarriorRare
  • Brionac, Dragon of the Ice BarrierUltra Rare
  • Burden of the MightyRare
  • Burial from a Different DimensionSuper Rare
  • Caius the Shadow MonarchSuper Rare
  • Call of the HauntedSuper Rare
  • Card DestructionUltra Rare
  • Card TrooperRare
  • Celestia, Lightsworn AngelRare
  • Chaos SorcererCommon
  • Charge of the Light BrigadeUltra Rare
  • Chimeratech Fortress DragonRare
  • Colossal FighterUltra Rare
  • Compulsory Evacuation DeviceRare
  • Creature SwapSuper Rare
  • Crusader of EndymionCommon
  • Crystal SeerRare
  • Cyber DragonRare
  • Cyber ValleyRare
  • D.D. AssailantRare
  • D.D. CrowSuper Rare
  • D.D. Warrior LadyRare
  • D.D.R. - Different Dimension ReincarnationRare
  • DandylionUltra Rare
  • Dark Armed DragonSuper Rare
  • Dark BribeSuper Rare
  • Dark Dust SpiritRare
  • Dark End DragonSuper Rare
  • Dark GrepherSuper Rare
  • Dark NephthysCommon
  • Dark ValkyriaCommon
  • Debris DragonCommon
  • Deep Sea DivaSuper Rare
  • Dekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveRare
  • Destiny HERO - MaliciousSuper Rare
  • Destiny HERO - PlasmaUltra Rare
  • Dimensional AlchemistRare
  • Dimensional PrisonSuper Rare
  • Doomcaliber KnightRare
  • Doomkaiser DragonCommon
  • Drill WarriorRare
  • Dupe FrogRare
  • Dust TornadoRare
  • E - Emergency CallSuper Rare
  • Ehren, Lightsworn MonkSuper Rare
  • Elemental HERO Absolute ZeroSuper Rare
  • Elemental HERO Neos AliusSuper Rare
  • Elemental HERO OceanRare
  • Elemental HERO PrismaRare
  • Elemental HERO StratosUltra Rare
  • Enemy ControllerCommon
  • Evil HERO Infernal ProdigyCommon
  • Evil HERO Malicious EdgeRare
  • Evocator ChevalierSuper Rare
  • Exploder DragonRare
  • Fiendish ChainRare
  • FissureRare
  • Five-Headed DragonUltra Rare
  • Flamvell FiredogSuper Rare
  • Flamvell GuardRare
  • Flamvell MagicianRare
  • Flamvell UruquizasSuper Rare
  • Flip Flop FrogRare
  • Foolish BurialUltra Rare
  • Forbidden ChaliceRare
  • Fossil Dyna PachycephaloSuper Rare
  • Freed the Brave WandererRare
  • Future FusionSuper Rare
  • Gaia Knight, the Force of EarthCommon
  • Gallis the Star BeastSuper Rare
  • Garoth, Lightsworn WarriorCommon
  • GellenduoCommon
  • Gemini LancerCommon
  • Gemini SoldierRare
  • Gemini SparkSuper Rare
  • Giant RatCommon
  • Giant TrunadeUltra Rare
  • GigantesRare
  • GigaplantRare
  • Gladiator Beast BestiariSuper Rare
  • Gladiator Beast DariusRare
  • Gladiator Beast EquesteSuper Rare
  • Gladiator Beast GyzarusUltra Rare
  • Gladiator Beast HeraklinosUltra Rare
  • Gladiator Beast HoplomusCommon
  • Gladiator Beast LaquariRare
  • Gladiator Beast MurmilloRare
  • Gladiator Beast RetiariCommon
  • Gladiator Beast SamniteCommon
  • Gladiator Beast SecutorCommon
  • Gladiator Beast War ChariotSuper Rare
  • Gladiator Proving GroundSuper Rare
  • Goblin ZombieRare
  • Gold SarcophagusUltra Rare
  • Gorz the Emissary of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Goyo GuardianSuper Rare
  • Grave SquirmerCommon
  • Gravekeeper's DescendantRare
  • Gravekeeper's GuardCommon
  • Gravekeeper's SpyRare
  • Hammer ShotRare
  • Heavy StormUltra Rare
  • Hedge GuardCommon
  • Herald of Orange LightRare
  • Hero BlastCommon
  • Hidden ArmorySuper Rare
  • HonestUltra Rare
  • Icarus AttackSuper Rare
  • Il BludRare
  • Imperial Iron WallSuper Rare
  • Injection Fairy LilySuper Rare
  • Instant FusionUltra Rare
  • Iron Chain DragonRare
  • Jain, Lightsworn PaladinCommon
  • Jar of GreedRare
  • JinzoSuper Rare
  • Judgment DragonUltra Rare
  • Junk ArcherUltra Rare
  • Junk SynchronSuper Rare
  • Junk WarriorUltra Rare
  • Karbonala WarriorCommon
  • Karma CutSuper Rare
  • Koa'ki Meiru DragoSuper Rare
  • Koa'ki Meiru GuardianSuper Rare
  • KrebonsRare
  • Kycoo the Ghost DestroyerSuper Rare
  • Legacy of Yata-GarasuRare
  • Legendary Jujitsu MasterRare
  • Level Limit - Area BRare
  • Light End DragonSuper Rare
  • Light and Darkness DragonUltra Rare
  • Lightning VortexRare
  • Limit ReverseRare
  • Limiter RemovalUltra Rare
  • Lonefire BlossomSuper Rare
  • Lumina, Lightsworn SummonerSuper Rare
  • Luster DragonCommon
  • Lyla, Lightsworn SorceressSuper Rare
  • Machina FortressUltra Rare
  • Machina GearframeRare
  • Magic CylinderSuper Rare
  • Magical AndroidRare
  • Magna DragoCommon
  • Mark of the RoseRare
  • Mask of RestrictSuper Rare
  • MezukiSuper Rare
  • Mind ControlUltra Rare
  • Mind CrushSuper Rare
  • Miracle FertilizerRare
  • Miracle FusionRare
  • Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Mist WurmSuper Rare
  • Mobius the Frost MonarchRare
  • Monster ReincarnationRare
  • Morphing JarUltra Rare
  • Musician KingCommon
  • My Body as a ShieldRare
  • Mystic TomatoCommon
  • Mystical Space TyphoonRare
  • Necro GardnaRare
  • Needle CeilingRare
  • Neo-Spacian Grand MoleCommon
  • Night AssailantSuper Rare
  • Nitro WarriorRare
  • Nobleman of CrossoutRare
  • Nobleman of ExterminationRare
  • Nova SummonerCommon
  • One for OneUltra Rare
  • Phoenix Wing Wind BlastRare
  • Phoenixian Cluster AmaryllisSuper Rare
  • Plaguespreader ZombieCommon
  • Pot of AvariceSuper Rare
  • Prime Material DragonSuper Rare
  • Psychic CommanderRare
  • Pulling the RugRare
  • Pyramid TurtleRare
  • Quickdraw SynchronCommon
  • Raigeki BreakRare
  • Raiza the Storm MonarchSuper Rare
  • Reaper on the NightmareRare
  • Reckless GreedSuper Rare
  • Red Dragon ArchfiendSuper Rare
  • Red-Eyes Darkness Metal DragonUltra Rare
  • Red-Eyes WyvernCommon
  • Reinforcement of the ArmyUltra Rare
  • RekindlingUltra Rare
  • Reptilianne NagaRare
  • Reptilianne VaskiiSuper Rare
  • Rescue CatUltra Rare
  • Revived King Ha DesCommon
  • Royal DecreeSuper Rare
  • Ryko, Lightsworn HunterRare
  • Sakuretsu ArmorCommon
  • SanganRare
  • ScapegoatUltra Rare
  • Scrap-Iron ScarecrowSuper Rare
  • Sea Dragon Lord GishilnodonRare
  • Seven Tools of the BanditRare
  • Shield CrushCommon
  • Shining AngelCommon
  • ShrinkRare
  • Skill DrainSuper Rare
  • Smashing GroundCommon
  • Snipe HunterRare
  • Snowman EaterRare
  • Solar RechargeSuper Rare
  • Solemn JudgmentUltra Rare
  • Soul ExchangeRare
  • Soul TakerRare
  • Spear DragonRare
  • Spined GillmanRare
  • Spirit ReaperRare
  • Stardust DragonUltra Rare
  • Starlight RoadSuper Rare
  • SubstitoadSuper Rare
  • Summoner MonkSuper Rare
  • Super PolymerizationUltra Rare
  • Super-Nimble Mega HamsterRare
  • SuperviseSuper Rare
  • Swap FrogSuper Rare
  • Tempest MagicianUltra Rare
  • Test TigerRare
  • The Dark CreatorRare
  • The Transmigration ProphecySuper Rare
  • Thestalos the Firestorm MonarchRare
  • Thought Ruler ArchfiendUltra Rare
  • Threatening RoarSuper Rare
  • Thunder King Rai-OhUltra Rare
  • Torrential TributeRare
  • TragoediaCommon
  • Trap HoleCommon
  • Trap StunSuper Rare
  • Treacherous Trap HoleRare
  • Treeborn FrogUltra Rare
  • Turbo WarriorRare
  • Tytannial, Princess of CamelliasSuper Rare
  • UFO TurtleCommon
  • UnifrogRare
  • Upstart GoblinUltra Rare
  • Vanity's FiendSuper Rare
  • Vortex TrooperRare
  • WabokuCommon
  • Widespread RuinRare
  • Winged RhynosCommon
  • Witch of the Black RoseCommon
  • Wulf, Lightsworn BeastRare
  • X-Saber AirbellumRare
  • X-Saber UrbellumCommon
  • XX-Saber EmmersbladeCommon
  • XX-Saber FaultrollSuper Rare
  • XX-Saber FulhelmknightRare
  • XX-Saber GottomsUltra Rare
  • XX-Saber HyunleiSuper Rare
  • Zaborg the Thunder MonarchRare
  • Zombie MasterCommon
  • Zombie WorldUltra Rare

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