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Snipe Hunter

Views: 183,796 Views this Week: 707

Card Text

You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card on the field; roll a six-sided die, and destroy that target unless you roll a 1 or 6.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Snipe Hunter
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Decks with Snipe Hunter
Banlist History for Snipe Hunter
Banlist Date Status Type
2010-09-01 Semi-Limited TCG
2010-09-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2010-03-01 Limited TCG
2010-03-01 Limited OCG
2010-03-01 Limited Edison
2009-09-01 Limited TCG
2009-09-01 Limited OCG
2009-03-01 Limited TCG
2009-03-01 Limited OCG
2008-09-01 Limited TCG
2008-09-01 Limited OCG
2008-03-01 Limited TCG
2008-03-01 Limited OCG
2007-09-01 Limited TCG
2007-09-01 Limited OCG
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