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Raiza the Storm Monarch

Views: 186,103 Views this Week: 1,111

Card Text

If this card is Tribute Summoned: Target 1 card on the field; place that target on the top of the Deck.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Raiza the Storm Monarch
Card: Raiza the Mega MonarchCard: Thestalos the Shadowfire MonarchCard: Caius the Mega MonarchCard: Zaborg the Mega MonarchCard: Granmarg the Mega MonarchCard: Mobius the Mega MonarchCard: Ehther the Heavenly MonarchCard: Thestalos the Mega Monarch
Decks with Raiza the Storm Monarch
Banlist History for Raiza the Storm Monarch
Banlist Date Status Type
2009-03-01 Semi-Limited TCG
2009-03-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2008-09-01 Limited TCG
2008-09-01 Limited OCG
2008-03-01 Limited TCG
2008-03-01 Limited OCG
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