2024-03-03 08:47:31
+ 1Allure of Darkness+ 1Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Goyo Guardian+ 2Destiny HERO - Malicious+ 3Caius the Shadow Monarch+ 1Treeborn Frog+ 1Dark Grepher+ 1Elemental HERO Gaia+ 1Heavy Storm+ 1Spirit Reaper+ 1Colossal Fighter+ 1Sangan+ 1Ally of Justice Catastor+ 1Return from the Different Dimension+ 1Mist Wurm+ 1Armory Arm+ 2Bottomless Trap Hole+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Plaguespreader Zombie+ 1Mind Control+ 1Elemental HERO Stratos+ 3Elemental HERO Absolute Zero+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 1Spined Gillman+ 1Magical Android+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Gorz the Emissary of Darkness+ 1Stardust Dragon+ 3Miracle Fusion+ 2Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy+ 1Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 2Phoenix Wing Wind Blast+ 1Trap Dustshoot+ 1Dark Armed Dragon+ 1Dimensional Prison+ 1Thought Ruler Archfiend+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 1Gold Sarcophagus+ 1Future Fusion+ 3Deep Sea Diva+ 1Brain Control+ 1Dark End Dragon+ 1Tragoedia
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