Synchro-XYZ cube (2-players) (240 cube)

Cube with a powerlevel around 2012-yugioh. Contains Plant, Zombie, Dragons and Chaos strategies and a lot of generic staples. The extra deck is constructed with a separate cube see Synchro-XYZ Extra deck ( Cards that have been errata'd (such as Sangan), use their original/unerrata'd effect. Optimized for two players.

Buy Cube
November 7, 2022
Cube List - Singleton Cube
Effect Monster
Winged Beast
Sea Serpent
123 Effect Monster 48 Spell Card 40 Trap Card 1 Spirit Monster 23 Tuner Monster 3 Flip Effect Monster 2 Gemini Monster
123 Effect Monster 48 Spell Card 40 Trap Card 1 Spirit Monster 23 Tuner Monster 3 Flip Effect Monster 2 Gemini Monster
  • Absolute King Back JackSuper Rare
  • Allure of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Armageddon KnightSuper Rare
  • Aurkus, Lightsworn DruidCommon
  • Back to the FrontSuper Rare
  • Ballista SquadRare
  • Battle FaderRare
  • Beast of the PharaohCommon
  • Beckoning LightCommon
  • Black Dragon CollapserpentSuper Rare
  • Black Horn of HeavenRare
  • Blackwing - Zephyros the EliteUltra Rare
  • Bone CrusherCommon
  • Book of LifeRare
  • Book of MoonRare
  • Botanical GirlCommon
  • Botanical LionCommon
  • Bottomless Trap HoleCommon
  • Breaker the Magical WarriorRare
  • Burial from a Different DimensionSuper Rare
  • Burst RebirthRare
  • Caius the Shadow MonarchSuper Rare
  • Call of the HauntedSuper Rare
  • Call of the MummyCommon
  • Card DestructionUltra Rare
  • Card TrooperRare
  • Cardcar DRare
  • Changshi the SpiridaoSuper Rare
  • Chaos BetrayerCommon
  • Chaos SorcererCommon
  • Chaos ValkyriaSuper Rare
  • Charge of the Light BrigadeUltra Rare
  • Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn LeavesCommon
  • Compulsory Evacuation DeviceRare
  • Concentrating CurrentRare
  • Creature SwapSuper Rare
  • Creeping DarknessSuper Rare
  • Crow TenguCommon
  • Cyber DragonRare
  • Cyber ValleyRare
  • D.D. CrowSuper Rare
  • D.D. Warrior LadyRare
  • D.D.R. - Different Dimension ReincarnationRare
  • Damage CondenserRare
  • DandylionUltra Rare
  • Dark Armed DragonSuper Rare
  • Dark BribeSuper Rare
  • Dark Dust SpiritRare
  • Dark EruptionRare
  • Dark GrepherSuper Rare
  • Dark Magician of ChaosCommon
  • Dark SacrificeSuper Rare
  • DarklightRare
  • Darklord ZeratoRare
  • Dawn KnightRare
  • Debris DragonCommon
  • DebunkSuper Rare
  • Destiny HERO - Disk CommanderRare
  • Devouring SarcoughagusCommon
  • Diana the Light SpiritCommon
  • Dimensional AlchemistRare
  • Dimensional PrisonSuper Rare
  • Dogmatika PunishmentRare
  • Dogmatika Theo, the Iron PunchRare
  • DoppelwarriorRare
  • Dust TornadoRare
  • Edge Imp SabresRare
  • Effect VeilerUltra Rare
  • Ehren, Lightsworn MonkSuper Rare
  • Electromagnetic TurtleSuper Rare
  • Enemy ControllerCommon
  • Erica the Rikka FairyCommon
  • Escape from the Dark DimensionRare
  • Eternal ChaosRare
  • Evilswarm MandragoraRare
  • Fairy Tail - RochkaSuper Rare
  • Fairy Tail - SleeperSuper Rare
  • Fallen Angel of RosesRare
  • Fateful HourCommon
  • Felis, Lightsworn ArcherCommon
  • FissureRare
  • Floodgate Trap HoleRare
  • Foolish BurialUltra Rare
  • Forbidden ChaliceRare
  • Forbidden LanceSuper Rare
  • Freed the Brave WandererRare
  • Frozen RoseSuper Rare
  • Gaia, the Mid-Knight SunCommon
  • Gaia, the Polar KnightCommon
  • Garoth, Lightsworn WarriorCommon
  • GellenduoCommon
  • Genex Ally BirdmanSuper Rare
  • Genex NeutronRare
  • Giant RatCommon
  • Giant TrunadeUltra Rare
  • GigaplantRare
  • Gizmek Yata, the Gleaming VanguardRare
  • Glow-Up BloomSuper Rare
  • Glow-Up BulbUltra Rare
  • Goblin ZombieRare
  • Gold SarcophagusUltra Rare
  • GozukiSuper Rare
  • Guardian of OrderRare
  • Hammer ShotRare
  • Haunted ShrineCommon
  • Hellebore the Rikka FairyRare
  • Hieratic Dragon of TefnuitRare
  • HonestUltra Rare
  • Il BludRare
  • Interplanetarypurplythorny DragonRare
  • IpiriaSuper Rare
  • Jack-o-BolanRare
  • Jain, Lightsworn PaladinCommon
  • Jet SynchronSuper Rare
  • Junk SynchronSuper Rare
  • Karma CutSuper Rare
  • KuribanditSuper Rare
  • Kycoo the Ghost DestroyerSuper Rare
  • Lightning VortexRare
  • Lightray DaedalusRare
  • Lightray DiabolosRare
  • Lightray GearfriedRare
  • Lightray SorcererRare
  • Lilith, Lady of LamentUltra Rare
  • Limit ReverseRare
  • Lonefire BlossomSuper Rare
  • Lord Gaia the Fierce KnightSuper Rare
  • LumenizeRare
  • Lumina, Lightsworn SummonerSuper Rare
  • Lyla, Lightsworn SorceressSuper Rare
  • Magical Stone ExcavationUltra Rare
  • Malevolent CatastropheRare
  • Mardel, Generaider Boss of LightUltra Rare
  • Mark of the RoseRare
  • MarshmallonRare
  • Mecha Phantom Beast O-LionSuper Rare
  • MezukiSuper Rare
  • Mind ControlUltra Rare
  • Miracle FertilizerRare
  • Mist Valley FalconSuper Rare
  • Mobius the Frost MonarchRare
  • Monster ReincarnationRare
  • Morphing JarUltra Rare
  • My Body as a ShieldRare
  • Mystic TomatoCommon
  • Necro GardnaRare
  • Needlebug NestSuper Rare
  • Neo-Spacian Grand MoleCommon
  • Night BeamSuper Rare
  • Nobleman of CrossoutRare
  • Oasis of Dragon SoulsCommon
  • Omni Dragon BrotaurRare
  • One for OneUltra Rare
  • OnmorakiRare
  • Paleozoic CanadiaCommon
  • Parry KnightsRare
  • Performage Trick ClownSuper Rare
  • Peropero CerperusSuper Rare
  • Phantom of ChaosUltra Rare
  • Phoenix Wing Wind BlastRare
  • Phosphorage the Elemental LordSuper Rare
  • Photon ThrasherRare
  • Plaguespreader ZombieCommon
  • Pot of AcquisitivenessSuper Rare
  • Pot of DualitySuper Rare
  • Primula the Rikka FairyCommon
  • Prufinesse, the Tactical TrapperRare
  • Pyramid TurtleRare
  • Raiden, Hand of the LightswornSuper Rare
  • Raigeki BreakRare
  • Rainbow KuribohSuper Rare
  • ReasoningSuper Rare
  • RecallSuper Rare
  • Reinforcement of the ArmyUltra Rare
  • Return from the Different Dimension
  • Rikka GlamourSuper Rare
  • Rikka PetalCommon
  • Rose Bell of RevelationSuper Rare
  • Rose GirlCommon
  • Rose LoverSuper Rare
  • Rose PrincessRare
  • Ruddy Rose WitchRare
  • Ryko, Lightsworn HunterRare
  • Samurai SkullCommon
  • SanganRare
  • Satellite SynchronSuper Rare
  • ScapeghostSuper Rare
  • ScapegoatUltra Rare
  • Seven Tools of the BanditRare
  • Shining AngelCommon
  • Shinobi NecroSuper Rare
  • Shiranui SamuraiCommon
  • Shiranui SolitaireSuper Rare
  • Shiranui SpiritmasterRare
  • ShrinkRare
  • Sinister SerpentSuper Rare
  • Smashing GroundCommon
  • Snowman EaterRare
  • Soul TakerRare
  • Soul of Purity and LightRare
  • Spirit ReaperRare
  • SporeRare
  • Stardust SynchronSuper Rare
  • Staysailor RomarinSuper Rare
  • Strike NinjaRare
  • Super Solar NutrientRare
  • Sylvan HermitreeRare
  • The Dark CreatorRare
  • The Monarchs StormforthSuper Rare
  • The Transmigration ProphecySuper Rare
  • The TrickyRare
  • Threatening RoarSuper Rare
  • Thunder DragonduoRare
  • Thunder King Rai-OhUltra Rare
  • Ties of the BrethrenUltra Rare
  • TragoediaCommon
  • Trap StunSuper Rare
  • Traptrix Trap Hole NightmareRare
  • Treacherous Trap HoleRare
  • Treeborn FrogUltra Rare
  • Tristan, Knight of the UnderworldSuper Rare
  • TuningUltra Rare
  • Twilight Rose KnightCommon
  • Ultimate Offering
  • Uni-ZombieUltra Rare
  • Unknown SynchronCommon
  • Vic Viper T301Super Rare
  • White Dragon WyverbursterSuper Rare
  • White Rose CloisterRare
  • WiretapSuper Rare
  • Witch of the Black ForestSuper Rare
  • Witch of the Black RoseCommon
  • World Carrotweight ChampionRare
  • Wrecker PandaRare
  • Wulf, Lightsworn BeastRare
  • Zaborg the Thunder MonarchRare
  • Zombie MasterCommon
  • Zombie Power StruggleCommon
  • Zombie WorldUltra Rare
  • ZombinaRare