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Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves

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Card Text

Your opponent cannot target face-up Plant monsters for attacks, except this one. If this card in your possession is sent to your GY by your opponent's card: You can Special Summon 1 Plant monster from your Deck, except "Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves".

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Cards similar to Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
Card: Queen of Autumn LeavesCard: Ninjitsu Art of Dancing LeavesCard: Rikka PrincessCard: Princess CologneCard: Dream Tower of Princess NemleriaCard: Talaya, Princess of Cherry BlossomsCard: Prediction Princess BibliomuseCard: Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess
Decks with Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
Banlist History for Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
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