2024-11-29 16:41:13
+ 2Mystical Space Typhoon+ 3Gladiator Beast Murmillo+ 2Raigeki+ 1Heavy Storm+ 1Iron Chain Dragon+ 1Goblindbergh+ 3Gladiator Beast Darius+ 2Ally of Justice Catastor+ 2Forbidden Lance+ 1Armory Arm+ 2Bottomless Trap Hole+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Plaguespreader Zombie+ 1Gladiator Proving Ground+ 1Steelswarm Roach+ 2Solemn Judgment+ 3Gladiator Beast Bestiari+ 1Snatch Steal+ 3Gladiator Beast Gyzarus+ 1Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 1Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 1Pot of Greed+ 2Gladiator Beast Equeste+ 1Debunk+ 1Glow-Up Bulb+ 1Wind-Up Zenmaister+ 2Cyber Dragon+ 1Premature Burial+ 3Gladiator Beast Laquari+ 2Chimeratech Fortress Dragon+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Solemn Warning+ 2Elemental HERO Prisma+ 1Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz+ 2Test Tiger+ 1Leviair the Sea Dragon+ 2Effect Veiler
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