Imagine Runick but banishing your own deck too + a resource loop involving D.D. Post / Shiranuis / Necroface + beatdown + big card advantage off banishing. Also very budget build as of right now (2/16/25) @ ~$35 on TCG Player.
Shoutout to Kip Landon on Dueling Nexus. Not sure if others came up with this idea before them but they were the first person I dueled running this deck and steamrolled me. Think their original build was more of an OTK Necroface banish/mill build with Shiranuis but I bricked frequently using that build so I built out this modified version. Still tweaking ratios but super fun to play.
- General idea is to get as many D.D. Posts on the field as quickly as possible and to banish necroface as much as possible to mill as many of your cards + opponent's cards into banishment. Shiranuis help generate card advantage off this banish/mill from necroface.
- D.D. Post is super powerful in this build because:
- Each one gives your monsters a 900 ATK boost turnning even weak starters into 2000+ ATK beaters and boosting your boss monsters up enough to swing over almost any other monster.
- Each one gives you 1 banish from GY and 1 return from banishment to deck. That means every turn you can generate card advantage by banishing necroface to mill, banishing shiranui zombies for their effects, or banishing other zombies like changshi and alghoul for their effects.
- If D.D. Post is banished (Ex. off a necroface mill or off another D.D. Post's effect) you can activate it on your field.
- D.D. Post is an all-in-one offensive tool, control tool, and recursion tool depending on what you banish and what you return.
- Milling to banishment is typically bad but the shiranui package in this deck helps give you card advantage off those banishes while your opponent loses key combo pieces from their deck.
- Use shiranuis and zombies to step into synchro and link monsters.
- Usually the combo of the necroface mill + beatdown by the powered up monsters can over run any deck.
Will add some starters / combos and synergies later. Deck still needs a bit of tweaking because it sometimes doesn't setup a great board and isn't the best at going second. A very unique zombie strat though because it doesn't special summon from GY that often and really benefits from banishing so opponent's unfamiliar with the build will likely be confused.
I think adding more Zombie World support could be helpful here, bc doom king helps the build a lot when he's live, and maybe at least one revive from GY. Also tweaking some of the extra deck. Maybe also Rivalry of Warlords as an additional floodgate. Could also be funny as a skill drain deck. Side deck are other cards I'm playing around with.
EDIT: This was the first working "base" version of the deck I started playing around with. Will post some updated builds of the deck too.