Classic Cube (452 cube)

Classic Cube List consisting of classic Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards from the past.
Doesn't contain Extra Deck cards.
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April 6, 2024
Cube List - Singleton Cube
Winged Beast
Sea Serpent
73 Normal Spell 32 Continuous Trap 74 Normal Trap 10 Tuner Effect Monster 4 Normal Monster 173 Effect Monster 5 Spirit Effect Monster 6 Equip Spell 12 Continuous Spell 20 Quick-Play Spell 9 Field Spell 21 Flip Effect Monster 13 Counter Trap
73 Normal Spell 32 Continuous Trap 74 Normal Trap 10 Tuner Effect Monster 4 Normal Monster 173 Effect Monster 5 Spirit Effect Monster 6 Equip Spell 12 Continuous Spell 20 Quick-Play Spell 9 Field Spell 21 Flip Effect Monster 13 Counter Trap
  • A Feather of the PhoenixCommon
  • Abyss StungrayCommon
  • Accumulated FortuneSuper Rare
  • Acid Trap HoleCommon
  • Al-Lumi'rajCommon
  • Alexandrite DragonRare
  • Allure of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Altergeist MeluseekSuper Rare
  • AmaterasuSuper Rare
  • Apprentice MagicianCommon
  • Arkbrave DragonRare
  • Armageddon KnightSuper Rare
  • Ash Blossom & Joyous SpringUltra Rare
  • Autonomous Action UnitRare
  • Back to the FrontSuper Rare
  • Backup SquadRare
  • Bad AimRare
  • Ballista SquadRare
  • Battle FaderRare
  • Black Dragon CollapserpentSuper Rare
  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the BeginningUltra Rare
  • Blackwing - Gale the WhirlwindSuper Rare
  • Blackwing - Zephyros the EliteUltra Rare
  • Blazing Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Blind ObliterationRare
  • Block DragonSuper Rare
  • Blue Thunder T-45Rare
  • Booby Trap ERare
  • Book of LifeRare
  • Book of MoonRare
  • Bottomless Trap HoleCommon
  • Brain ControlRare
  • Breaker the Magical WarriorRare
  • Breakthrough SkillSuper Rare
  • Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - BearSuper Rare
  • Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - GorillaRare
  • Bull BladerRare
  • Burden of the MightyRare
  • Burial from a Different DimensionSuper Rare
  • Burst RebirthRare
  • Caius the Mega MonarchSuper Rare
  • Caius the Shadow MonarchSuper Rare
  • Call of the HauntedSuper Rare
  • Called by the GraveUltra Rare
  • Card DestructionUltra Rare
  • Card of DemiseSuper Rare
  • Card of Safe ReturnUltra Rare
  • Cardcar DRare
  • Cataclysmic Scorching SunburnerRare
  • Celestial ObservatorySuper Rare
  • Change of HeartUltra Rare
  • Chaos BetrayerCommon
  • Chaos Dragon LevianeerUltra Rare
  • Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the EndRare
  • Chaos SorcererCommon
  • Chaos ZoneCommon
  • Charge of the Light BrigadeUltra Rare
  • Circle of the Fire KingsSuper Rare
  • Compulsory Escape DeviceRare
  • Compulsory Evacuation DeviceRare
  • ConfiscationUltra Rare
  • Cosmic CycloneSuper Rare
  • CrackdownUltra Rare
  • Creature SwapSuper Rare
  • Crush Card VirusRare
  • Crystal SeerRare
  • Cyber DragonRare
  • Cyber JarUltra Rare
  • D.D. AssailantRare
  • D.D. CrowSuper Rare
  • D.D. WarriorRare
  • D.D. Warrior LadyRare
  • D.D.R. - Different Dimension ReincarnationRare
  • Damage GateRare
  • DandylionUltra Rare
  • Dark AdvanceCommon
  • Dark Armed DragonSuper Rare
  • Dark BribeSuper Rare
  • Dark CoreRare
  • Dark Dust SpiritRare
  • Dark EruptionRare
  • Dark Factory of More ProductionRare
  • Dark HoleSuper Rare
  • Dark Magician of ChaosCommon
  • Dark SimorghSuper Rare
  • Darkflare DragonCommon
  • Dawn KnightRare
  • DebunkSuper Rare
  • Deck Devastation VirusSuper Rare
  • Deep Dark Trap HoleCommon
  • Delinquent DuoUltra Rare
  • Des LacoodaRare
  • Destiny HERO - Diamond DudeSuper Rare
  • Destiny HERO - Disk CommanderRare
  • Diana the Light SpiritCommon
  • Dimension FusionUltra Rare
  • Dimension GateRare
  • Dimensional AlchemistRare
  • Dimensional FissureRare
  • Dimensional PrisonSuper Rare
  • Dinowrestler PankratopsUltra Rare
  • Divine Dragon Lord FelgrandRare
  • Divine WrathCommon
  • Don ZaloogRare
  • Doomking BalerdrochUltra Rare
  • Double CycloneCommon
  • Double Spell
  • Dragon RavineUltra Rare
  • Dragon ShrineSuper Rare
  • Drowning Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Dust KnightRare
  • Dwarf Star Dragon PlaneterCommon
  • Eclipse WyvernUltra Rare
  • Edea the Heavenly SquireRare
  • Effect VeilerUltra Rare
  • Eidos the Underworld SquireRare
  • Elemental HERO OceanRare
  • Elemental HERO StratosUltra Rare
  • Enemy ControllerCommon
  • Engraver of the MarkSuper Rare
  • Eradicator Epidemic VirusSuper Rare
  • Escalation of the MonarchsCommon
  • Escape from the Dark DimensionRare
  • Evenly MatchedSuper Rare
  • Evilswarm ThunderbirdSuper Rare
  • Exiled ForceRare
  • Exploder DragonRare
  • Extinction on ScheduleCommon
  • Fairy BoxRare
  • Fairy Tail - LunaUltra Rare
  • Fairy Tail - SnowUltra Rare
  • Fencing Fire FerretRare
  • Ferret FlamesCommon
  • Fiber JarSuper Rare
  • Fiendish ChainRare
  • Fire Formation - GyokkouRare
  • Fire Formation - TenkiSuper Rare
  • Fire HandRare
  • Fire King Avatar ArvataRare
  • Fire King Avatar BarongRare
  • Fire King Avatar GarunixCommon
  • Fire King Avatar YakshaSuper Rare
  • Fire King High Avatar GarunixUltra Rare
  • Fire King IslandRare
  • FissureRare
  • Flame TigerCommon
  • Flamvell FiredogSuper Rare
  • Flip Flop FrogRare
  • Floodgate Trap HoleRare
  • Foolish BurialUltra Rare
  • Forbidden ChaliceRare
  • Forbidden DressRare
  • Forbidden LanceSuper Rare
  • Full Force VirusSuper Rare
  • Galaxy CycloneSuper Rare
  • Garum the Storm VassalCommon
  • Gene-Warped WarwolfRare
  • Ghost Belle & Haunted MansionUltra Rare
  • Ghost Ogre & Snow RabbitUltra Rare
  • Ghost of a GrudgeRare
  • Ghostrick JackfrostCommon
  • Giant RatCommon
  • Giant RexCommon
  • Giant TrunadeUltra Rare
  • GigantesRare
  • Glow-Up BloomSuper Rare
  • Goblin ZombieRare
  • Gold SarcophagusUltra Rare
  • Gorz the Emissary of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Gozen MatchSuper Rare
  • GozukiSuper Rare
  • Graceful CharityUltra Rare
  • Grandsoil the Elemental LordSuper Rare
  • Granmarg the Mega MonarchRare
  • Granmarg the Rock MonarchRare
  • Gravekeeper's CommandantRare
  • Gravekeeper's DescendantRare
  • Gravekeeper's GuardCommon
  • Gravekeeper's HeadmanRare
  • Gravekeeper's NoblemanSuper Rare
  • Gravekeeper's RecruiterSuper Rare
  • Gravekeeper's SpyRare
  • Gravekeeper's SteleRare
  • GraverobberCommon
  • Graydle AlligatorSuper Rare
  • Graydle CobraCommon
  • Graydle EagleSuper Rare
  • Guardragon CataclysmRare
  • Hammer ShotRare
  • Harpie's Feather DusterUltra Rare
  • Haunted ShrineCommon
  • Heavy StormUltra Rare
  • Heavy Storm DusterSuper Rare
  • Herald of CreationRare
  • Herald of the AbyssSuper Rare
  • Heroic Challenger - Thousand BladesSuper Rare
  • Hidden ArmorySuper Rare
  • HonestUltra Rare
  • Horn of HeavenRare
  • Ice HandRare
  • Imperial OrderUltra Rare
  • Infinite ImpermanenceUltra Rare
  • Iron Blacksmith KotetsuRare
  • Jar of AvariceSuper Rare
  • JinzoSuper Rare
  • Judgment DragonUltra Rare
  • JuragedoRare
  • Jurrac DinoCommon
  • Karma CutSuper Rare
  • Koa'ki Meiru DragoSuper Rare
  • Kozmo DOG FighterRare
  • Kozmo Dark DestroyerSuper Rare
  • Kozmo FarmgirlUltra Rare
  • Kozmo ForerunnerRare
  • Kozmo GoodwitchRare
  • Kozmo SlipriderSuper Rare
  • Kozmoll Dark LadyRare
  • Kozmoll WickedwitchCommon
  • KozmotownSuper Rare
  • Krawler DendriteCommon
  • Krawler SpineRare
  • KuribanditSuper Rare
  • Kycoo the Ghost DestroyerSuper Rare
  • Landrobe the Rock VassalCommon
  • Last WillUltra Rare
  • Ledger of LegerdemainSuper Rare
  • Left Arm OfferingSuper Rare
  • Legacy of the DuelistUltra Rare
  • Level Limit - Area BRare
  • Light and Darkness DragonUltra Rare
  • Lightning VortexRare
  • Lightpulsar DragonRare
  • Lightray DaedalusRare
  • Lightray DiabolosRare
  • Lightray GearfriedRare
  • LindbloomRare
  • LinkslayerSuper Rare
  • Lord Gaia the Fierce KnightSuper Rare
  • Loud Cloud the Storm SerpentRare
  • Macro CosmosSuper Rare
  • Magic DrainRare
  • Magical Arm ShieldRare
  • Magician of FaithRare
  • Majesty's FiendSuper Rare
  • Malevolent CatastropheRare
  • Mask of DarknessRare
  • Masked SorcererRare
  • MathematicianUltra Rare
  • Mecha Phantom Beast BlackfalconRare
  • Mecha Phantom Beast HamstratCommon
  • Mecha Phantom Beast MegaraptorRare
  • Mecha Phantom Beast StealthrayCommon
  • Mecha Phantom Beast TetherwolfRare
  • Megalosmasher XRare
  • Memory LossRare
  • Memory of an AdversaryRare
  • Metal Reflect SlimeCommon
  • MezukiSuper Rare
  • Mind ControlUltra Rare
  • Mirage of NightmareSuper Rare
  • Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • Mirror WallRare
  • Mist Valley FalconSuper Rare
  • Mithra the Thunder VassalCommon
  • Mobius the Frost MonarchRare
  • Mobius the Mega MonarchCommon
  • Monster GateSuper Rare
  • Monster ReboneSuper Rare
  • Monster RebornUltra Rare
  • Monster Reborn RebornUltra Rare
  • Monster ReincarnationRare
  • Morphing JarUltra Rare
  • Mother GrizzlyCommon
  • My Body as a ShieldRare
  • Mystic TomatoCommon
  • Mystical RefpanelUltra Rare
  • Mystical Space TyphoonRare
  • NecrovalleyUltra Rare
  • Necrovalley ThroneSuper Rare
  • Necroworld BansheeSuper Rare
  • Needle CeilingRare
  • Neo-Spacian Grand MoleCommon
  • Night AssailantSuper Rare
  • Night BeamSuper Rare
  • Nine-Tailed FoxCommon
  • Noble Arms - ArfeudutyrCommon
  • Nobleman of CrossoutRare
  • Nobleman of ExterminationRare
  • Oasis of Dragon SoulsCommon
  • Offerings to the DoomedRare
  • Old Vindictive MagicianRare
  • One for OneUltra Rare
  • One-Time PasscodeRare
  • Onslaught of the Fire KingsUltra Rare
  • Orbital HydralanderCommon
  • Painful ChoiceUltra Rare
  • Painful EscapeRare
  • Paladin of FelgrandRare
  • Paleozoic CanadiaCommon
  • Paleozoic DinomischusRare
  • Paleozoic HallucigeniaCommon
  • Paleozoic OlenoidesCommon
  • Performapal Whip SnakeCommon
  • Peropero CerperusSuper Rare
  • Phantom Knights' Fog BladeRare
  • Phoenix Wing Wind BlastRare
  • Photon ThrasherRare
  • PianissimoCommon
  • Pinpoint GuardRare
  • Pot of AcquisitivenessSuper Rare
  • Pot of AvariceSuper Rare
  • Pot of DesiresSuper Rare
  • Pot of DualitySuper Rare
  • Pot of GreedUltra Rare
  • Pot of The ForbiddenSuper Rare
  • Powerful RebirthRare
  • Predaplant FlytrapCommon
  • Prediction Princess CoinormaSuper Rare
  • Premature BurialUltra Rare
  • Premature ReturnRare
  • Prideful RoarRare
  • Pulling the RugRare
  • Punch-in-the-BoxRare
  • Pyramid TurtleRare
  • Quaking Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • RaigekiUltra Rare
  • Raigeki BottleRare
  • Raigeki BreakRare
  • Raiza the Mega MonarchRare
  • Raiza the Storm MonarchSuper Rare
  • ReasoningSuper Rare
  • RecallSuper Rare
  • Red-Eyes Darkness Metal DragonUltra Rare
  • Reinforcement of the ArmyUltra Rare
  • Restoration of the MonarchsRare
  • Return from the Different DimensionSuper Rare
  • Return of the Dragon LordsSuper Rare
  • Return of the MonarchsRare
  • Ring of DestructionRare
  • Rivalry of WarlordsSuper Rare
  • Robbin' GoblinRare
  • Rocket HandRare
  • RonintoadinRare
  • Royal DecreeSuper Rare
  • Royal OppressionUltra Rare
  • SPYRAL ResortSuper Rare
  • SPYRAL Super AgentUltra Rare
  • SPYRAL ToughRare
  • Sacred Sword of Seven StarsSuper Rare
  • Safe ZoneSuper Rare
  • Sakuretsu ArmorCommon
  • SalvageCommon
  • SanganRare
  • ScapeghostSuper Rare
  • ScapegoatUltra Rare
  • Scrap-Iron ScarecrowSuper Rare
  • Shaddoll BeastCommon
  • Shaddoll DragonRare
  • Shaddoll FalcoRare
  • Shaddoll SquamataCommon
  • Shard of GreedRare
  • Shield CrushCommon
  • Sinister SerpentSuper Rare
  • Skill DrainSuper Rare
  • Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners!Rare
  • Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves!Common
  • Smashing GroundCommon
  • Snatch StealUltra Rare
  • Snipe HunterRare
  • Solar RechargeSuper Rare
  • Solemn JudgmentUltra Rare
  • Solemn ScoldingRare
  • Solemn StrikeUltra Rare
  • Solemn WarningSuper Rare
  • Soul ChargeSuper Rare
  • Soul ExchangeRare
  • Soul ReleaseCommon
  • Soul TakerRare
  • Soul TransitionSuper Rare
  • Speedroid MenkoCommon
  • Spell Shield Type-8Rare
  • Spirit ReaperRare
  • Spirit of the Fall WindRare
  • Spiritual Swords of Revealing LightSuper Rare
  • Spiritual Water Art - AoiRare
  • Statue of Anguish PatternCommon
  • Storming Mirror ForceSuper Rare
  • SubstitoadSuper Rare
  • Summoner MonkSuper Rare
  • Super Rush HeadlongCommon
  • Supply SquadSuper Rare
  • Swap FrogSuper Rare
  • SwitcherorooRare
  • Swordsman of Revealing LightSuper Rare
  • TerraformingUltra Rare
  • That Grass Looks GreenerUltra Rare
  • The Ascended of ThunderSuper Rare
  • The Blazing MarsSuper Rare
  • The Dark CreatorRare
  • The Deep GraveRare
  • The First MonarchCommon
  • The Forceful SentryUltra Rare
  • The Golden ApplesSuper Rare
  • The Monarchs EruptCommon
  • The Monarchs StormforthSuper Rare
  • The Rock SpiritRare
  • The Seal of OrichalcosCommon
  • The Transmigration ProphecySuper Rare
  • The Warrior Returning AliveCommon
  • Thestalos the Firestorm MonarchRare
  • Thestalos the Mega MonarchRare
  • Thunder DragonduoRare
  • Thunder King Rai-OhUltra Rare
  • Tiki CurseCommon
  • Tiki SoulCommon
  • Time SealUltra Rare
  • Tindangle AngelCommon
  • Trade-InUltra Rare
  • TragoediaCommon
  • Trap DustshootSuper Rare
  • Trap HoleCommon
  • Trap Hole of SpikesCommon
  • Trap StunSuper Rare
  • Trap of DarknessSuper Rare
  • Traptrix MyrmeleoSuper Rare
  • Traptrix Trap Hole NightmareRare
  • Treeborn FrogUltra Rare
  • Tribe-Infecting VirusSuper Rare
  • Tribute BurialSuper Rare
  • TsukuyomiRare
  • Twin TwistersSuper Rare
  • TwisterCommon
  • Umbramirage the Elemental LordSuper Rare
  • Upstart GoblinUltra Rare
  • Vampire FrauleinSuper Rare
  • Vampire GrimsonCommon
  • Vanity's EmptinessUltra Rare
  • Void ExpansionCommon
  • Wall of DisruptionCommon
  • White Dragon WyverbursterSuper Rare
  • Widespread RuinRare
  • Wind-Up RabbitRare
  • WiretapSuper Rare
  • Witch of the Black ForestSuper Rare
  • Worm LinxSuper Rare
  • Yamata DragonRare
  • Yata-GarasuUltra Rare
  • Zaborg the Thunder MonarchRare
  • Zombie MasterCommon
  • Zombie WorldUltra Rare
  • ZombinaRare
  • ZombinoRare