2024-03-16 03:43:19
+ 2Mermail Abyssnose+ 1Bahamut Shark+ 1Allure of Darkness+ 3Genex Undine+ 2Mobius the Frost Monarch+ 3Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord+ 2Debris Dragon+ 1Tornado Wall+ 1March of the Monarchs+ 2Iron Chain Dragon+ 1Mermail Abyssturge+ 1Ancient Fairy Dragon+ 1Mermail Abyssocea+ 3Lemuria, the Forgotten City+ 1Mind Control+ 1Double Summon+ 1Gorz the Emissary of Darkness+ 1Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss+ 2Torrential Tribute+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Number C39: Utopia Ray+ 2Mermail Abysspike+ 3Abyss-sphere+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 3Genex Controller+ 1Mermail Abyssgunde+ 1Number 17: Leviathan Dragon+ 1Red Dragon Archfiend+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 3Deep Sea Diva+ 2Number 39: Utopia+ 2Compulsory Evacuation Device+ 2Mermail Abysslung+ 3Mermail Abysshilde+ 1Salvage+ 1Effect Veiler+ 1Abyss-strom
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