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Lemuria, the Forgotten City

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Card Text

This card's name is treated as "Umi". All WATER monsters gain 200 ATK and DEF. Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can have all WATER monsters you currently control gain Levels equal to the number of WATER monsters you currently control, until the End Phase.

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Cards similar to Lemuria, the Forgotten City
Card: Forgotten Temple of the DeepCard: Magellanica, the Deep Sea CityCard: Souls of the ForgottenCard: Pacifis, the Phantasm CityCard: Ancient City - Rainbow RuinsCard: Virtual World City - KauwloonCard: F.A. City Grand PrixCard: Megaroid City
Decks with Lemuria, the Forgotten City
Banlist History for Lemuria, the Forgotten City
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