2025-02-16 06:28:11
+ 3Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Worm King+ 3Worm Xex+ 1Book of Moon+ 1Heavy Storm+ 1Ally of Justice Catastor+ 1Mist Wurm+ 1Armory Arm+ 1Bottomless Trap Hole+ 2Legacy of Yata-Garasu+ 1Honest+ 1Steelswarm Roach+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 1Magical Android+ 1Stardust Dragon+ 3Worm Yagan+ 1Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 3Worm Cartaros+ 1Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Starlight Road+ 1Trap Dustshoot+ 1Number 17: Leviathan Dragon+ 3Dimensional Prison+ 3Thunder King Rai-Oh+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 1Scrap Dragon+ 1Monster Reborn+ 2Number 39: Utopia+ 2Solemn Warning+ 3W Nebula Meteorite+ 1T.G. Hyper Librarian+ 1Leviair the Sea Dragon+ 2Effect Veiler+ 3Pot of Duality
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