2024-11-16 21:38:46
+ 1Hieratic Sky Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis+ 2Soul Crossing+ 1Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord+ 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra+ 2The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode+ 1The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix+ 1Duamutef, Blessing of Horus+ 2The True Sun God+ 1Raigeki+ 2Lightning Storm+ 3Spell Card "Soul Exchange"+ 3Guardian Slime+ 3King's Sarcophagus+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 2Called by the Grave+ 1Triple Tactics Talent+ 1Walls of the Imperial Tomb+ 1Number 97: Draglubion+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Coach King Giantrainer+ 1Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon+ 2Trade-In+ 1Egyptian God Slime+ 1Hapi, Guidance of Horus+ 2Tokusano Shinkyojin+ 3Pot of Greed+ 1Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy+ 1Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis+ 1Number 23: Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld+ 1The Zombie Vampire+ 1Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus+ 2Ancient Chant+ 3Imsety, Glory of Horus+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 1Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder+ 1Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis
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