Good day to you! A long time ago, I won with Vennominaga by cheating her out with "A Wild Monster Appears!" card. This time, we will win again but fair and square. Let's bite!
1) Banish Vennominaga...
You can target her with "Allure of Darkness".
You can discard her to GY with Ravenous/Dugares and pick her as DARK target in order to Special Summon Chaos Emperor Dragon.
2) Place ME-PSY-YA on Pendulum Zone and Special Summon Chaos Emperor Dragon with its ability to unlock "Primal Seed" loop.
3) Place "Light Barrier" and Special Summon Arcana with Saryuja to choose the outcome as heads. There, you can send two of your monsters to GY to skip your opponent's turn via Arcana at End Phase of yours, as long as you don't pick Chaos + Arcana + Vennominaga. When Vennominon is in your hand, set "Primal Seed" + "Rise of the Snake Deity" and trigger Arcana.
4) It's your turn now. Fetch Vennominaga with "Primal Seed" and bring forth Vennominon, either via Tribute Summon or "Monster Reborn". Next, destroy Vennominon either with Baronne or Offerings and follow-up with "Rise of the Snake Deity" to Special Summon Vennominaga.
5) Vennominaga is present with 500 ATK...
If the opposing side is either empty or you went first without any monster that can't be targeted and/or destroyed by card effect, jump into Battle Phase with Vennominaga to inflict damage and start placing Hyper-Venom Counters (HVC) on her.
If you went second and your opponent has a monster which can't be targeted and/or destroyed by card effects, reduce the ATK of your opponent's monster by reviving and destroying Puralis via Reborn and Offerings. Then, tackle into that monster with Vennominaga to place HVC on her.
In case of Evenly Matchedand alike, have Baronne ready. If you don't want your opponent to activate monster effects in GY after dealing with them, consider adding "Soul Drain", seen in "Side Deck".
6) Repeat what was explained in #3 to skip your opponent's turn while dealing damage with Vennominaga, which was explained in #5, until she has 3 x HVC to win the duel!
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contract Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Monster Reborn" is given for free, if you have completed the tutorial to save 30 UR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "Primal Seed" + "Pot of Acquistiveness" + "Ravenous" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 60 SR and 60 UR!
- "Vennominaga" + "Vennominon" can be found within "Curse of the Serpent" Secret Pack to save 60 UR!
- "Arcana Force XXI - The World" + "Light Barrier" can be found within "Hand of Fate" Secret Pack to save 30 SR and 30 UR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 60 SR!
- "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" can be found within "Number Recall" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Moray of Avarice" can be found within "Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Mannadium Trisukta" can be found within "Indomitable Pride" Timed Pack to save 30 SR! Don't miss out before it's too late!
- "Baronne de Fleur" can be either found within "The Noble Knights of Crimson Flowers" Secret Pack or "Name of Champions" Timed Pack to save 30 UR! However you want to find Baronne is up to you.
So, in total, you can save up to 600 SR and 240 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun in Master Duel!
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