2024-03-27 06:02:18
+ 1Xyz Reflect+ 1ZW - Sleipnir Mail+ 1ZW - Dragonic Halberd+ 1Zexal Entrust+ 1ZS - Ascended Sage+ 1Draco-Utopian Aura+ 1Number 10: Illumiknight+ 1Xyz Change Tactics+ 1Raigeki+ 1SZW - Fenrir Sword+ 1ZW - Ultimate Shield+ 1Halfway to Forever+ 1Goblindbergh+ 1Triple Tactics Talent+ 1Queen's Knight+ 1Xyz Reborn+ 1Number F0: Utopic Draco Future+ 1The Door of Destiny+ 1ZW - Eagle Claw+ 1Counterforce+ 1Zexal Alliance+ 1ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber+ 1The Deal of Destiny+ 1ZS - Ouroboros Sage+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos+ 1Dogmatika Adin, the Enlightened+ 1Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword+ 1Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force+ 1ZW - Asura Strike+ 1Double Summon+ 1Mirror Force+ 1ZW - Lightning Blade+ 1Resurgam Xyz+ 1ZS - Vanish Sage+ 1Number S0: Utopic ZEXAL+ 1Colonel on C-String+ 1Number 16: Shock Master+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Number S39: Utopia the Lightning+ 1Utopian Aura+ 1Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous+ 1ZW - Leo Arms+ 1Magic Cylinder+ 1Number 39: Utopia Double+ 1Zexal Construction+ 1Shining Hope Road+ 1King's Knight+ 1Number F0: Utopic Future+ 1Number C39: Utopia Ray V+ 1ZS - Armed Sage+ 1Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray+ 1Astraltopia+ 1ZW - Unicorn Spear+ 1Goblin Attack Force+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1ZW - Tornado Bringer+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Light Wing Shield+ 1Number 39: Utopia+ 1Number S39: Utopia Prime+ 1ZW - Phoenix Bow+ 1Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory+ 1Jack's Knight+ 1Number 39: Utopia Rising+ 1Counter Gate+ 1Double or Nothing!+ 1Rising Sun Slash+ 1Reverse Breaker+ 1Zexal Catapult+ 1Zexal Field+ 1ZW - Sylphid Wing+ 1Xyz Veil+ 1Numbers Overlay Boost+ 1Magical Stone Excavation
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