Deck Type: Combo
The goal of this deck is to play Monster Gate and Reasoning to send monsters to the graveyard and cheat out a board that can kill the opponent in one turn, if possible.
Reasoning and Monster Gate allows you to fill your GY and cheat out a monster. Some monsters in the deck are SS only, so they are Chaos fodder in the GY. Relevant levels for Reasoning are Level 4 (Sacred Crane: draw a card, Toon Cannon Soldier), Level 5 (Thunder Dragon), Level 6 (Jinzo), Level 8 (DMOC).
Thunder Dragon helps thin the deck and sends a LIGHT to the GY. It also removes Thunder Dragon from being special summoned off Reasoning/Gate.
Toon Table of Contents and Toon Cannon Soldier are used to thin the deck and to search for a Level 4 which can be Normal Summoned for Monster Gate's Tribute. Toon Cannon Soldier is also used to sacrifice your board to burn the opponent for game.
BLS - Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer converts monsters in GY into bodies, which can be used to either attack for the OTK or remove defending monsters.
Dimension Fusion returns monsters banished for the Chaos monsters and DMOC back to the board for more attack on board. Spell Economics is in the deck to remove Dimension Fusion's LP cost to enable a combo.
DMOC is a key piece of the deck, as it adds back Reasoning/Gate when summoned off them, which often means you can Reasoning/Gate twice a turn, at least. Since it banishes itself when it leaves the field, Dimension Fusion can summon it back off being Tributed by Monster Gate and Toon Cannon Soldier for even more Reasoning/Gate attempts. It's also a key combo piece.
Reload and Card Destruction act as pseudo-mulligans, with Card Destruction having the additional benefit of dumping cards to the GY.
Premature Burial and Monster Reincarnation recur DMOC if the opponent calls level 8 for Reasoning.
The deck features one infinite loop. You need Spell Economics, DMOC, and Toon Cannon Soldier on field, and Dimension Fusion in hand. Tribute DMOC via Toon Cannon Soldier, banishing DMOC and dealing 500 effect damage. Activate Dimension Fusion, SSing DMOC back to the field. Resolve DMOC's effect, adding Dimension Fusion to hand. Since you've demonstrated the loop, you can shortcut it by announcing you will repeat the loop until the opponent's LP is at zero.