Hello there! It seems your opponent is trying to evade paying taxes. Let's remind them of their duties with Masquerade, shall we? Jokes aside, this deck is similar to another block deck I made with Kashtira Shangri-Ira but instead of zone block, your opponent can't pay LP to "draw the out".
1) Plant at least one flower to opposing side with "Black Garden" but it's alright if you grow more.
2) XYZ Summon Number 60 by using 2 x Cthugua as materials. Then, pass Number 60 to opposing side by replacing a flower with "Mystic Box".
3) Synchro Summon Stardust by using Librarian + Tuner as materials. Then, activate "Theater of the Branded" and Fusion Summon Masquerade by using Aluber + Soulkius in-hand as materials.
4) Activate Soulkius in GY to Special Summon it to your field. Next, XYZ Summon Number 6 by using Soulkius + Stardust as materials. Then, overlay into Number C6 with Barian's Force.
5) Equip Number 60 with Number C6. Then, activate Number C6 to set your opponent's LP to 100.
6) First, activate "Toll". Next, "Chain Energy". Then, set "Mask of Restrict" and end your turn. Finally, activate "Mask of Restrict" during your opponent's Draw Phase. Therefore, your opponent is completely locked down...
Mask of Restrict: Denies tributing for either sides, which blocks Kaiju-related cards. So, your opponent can't get rid of Masquerade and draw the out.
Masquerade: Requires 600 LP to pay and activate cards/effects from anywhere. Only applies to your opponent.
Toll: Requires 500 LP to pay and attack, which applies to either players.
Chain Energy: Requires 500 LP to pay and do these from hand, which applies to both sides...
Normal Summon
Special Summon
Activate cards
7) Since your opponent can't do anything but pass the turn to you, you can attack and close the game.
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contract Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Wonder Wand" + "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" + "Number C6: Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis" can be found within "Timeworn Legacies" Secret Pack to save 30 SR and 30 UR!
- "Pot of Acquisitiveness" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 30 SR!
- "Masquerade the Blazing Dragon" can be found within "The Opening Act of an Apocalypse" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Fabled Soulkius" can be found within "Fabled Gods" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Black Garden" can be found within "Exquisite Jet-Black Rose" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force" can be found within "Sword of the Seventh One" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" can be found within "Number Recall" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Moray of Avarice" can be found within "Treasures of the Cosmic Ocean" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- As of this writing, you can find these cards below from Timed Packs to save SR materials:
Mannadium Trisukta >>> Indomitable Pride >>> 30 SR
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars >>> Mighty Contenders >>> 30 SR (Can be also found in "Celestial Dragon and Bear" Secret Pack)
Aluber the Jester of Despia >>> Beginning of the Next Journey >>> 30 SR (Can be also found in "The Opening Act of an Apocalypse" Secret Pack)
So, in total, you can save up to 690 SR and 120 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. Let me know if you have any questions and have fun in Master Duel!
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