We're going to pop-pop-pop 'till we can't no more!
This is a beginner-friendly Domain Format list built upon a $11.99 purchase of the Structure Deck: Fire Kings. It consists of a $10 upgrade of cards purchased from sites like TCGplayer.
Deckmaster: Crusadia Reclusia
Domain Restrictions: FIRE / SPELLCASTER / CRUSADIA
Made for Domain Format: Join the Community Discord!
To create this upgrade, please remove these 15 cards from the SD: Fire Kings (in the sidedeck):
- View on YGOprodeck
- Structure Deck Full Contents (YGOprodeck)
Next, you will want to buy and add these 44 cards to the deck:
- View on YGOprodeck
- View on TCGplayer Cart
Notably, this deck does not use Infinite Impermanence which is currently a pricy card at $7. Because Infinite Impermanence is included in the Structure Deck, you may choose to add it into the deck or sell it to fund the $10 purchase of cards you'll need.
Additional Resources can be found here:
Domain Format General Rules:
- Singleton Format: Every card restricted to 1 copy per deck.
- 60-card Format: Each Main Deck must contain exactly 60 cards.
- 4-player Pods: Each player competes individually in an all-out battle against three opponents.
- Deckmaster Restrictions: Each player chooses a "Deckmaster" which dictates the allowed types and attributes for their deck.
- Deckmaster Contract: A Deckmaster can be summoned from a designated "Deckmaster Zone" using normal summoning rules. After switching zones, Deckmasters may return to the "Deckmaster Zone," where they start the game.
Refer here for additional rules and exceptions:
Broad Categories
This simple strategy has cards that fall into 3 broad categories:
- Big Monsters
- Self-Revivers
- Poppers
Basic Combo:
The Big Monsters:
- Beat over your opponents!
- Summons themselves from the Hand!
This categaory of monsters includes Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted , The Blazing Mars , and Burning Dragon in order to keep ourselves with a healthy board with monsters that are easy to summon from hand with their own effects. These monsters do also have effects that trigger and give us benefits.
Cards like Spell Card "Soul Exchange" and Trade-In are included to derive additional benefits from these cards.
The Self-Revivers
- Be sticky and hard to Boardwipe!
- Have no fear of being destroyed and sent to the GY!
- Always have material to access the Extra Deck with!
Monsters such as Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames and Sacred Fire King Garunix are vital to our strategy by easily reviving themselves from the graveyard and providing benefits on summon. Our goal every game to to access these two as soon as possible.
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames interacts with our opponent on their turn by reviving hereself and removing one of their monsters, and on our own turn allows us to revive one of our monsters in the GY, which can trigger additional effects.
Sacred Fire King Garunix can revive from GY and then can destroy a monster in our deck, most cases destroying cards like Fencing Fire Ferret which will then allow us to interact with our opponent.
Combined, these sticky monsters allow us to have plays every turn of the game and be resiliant to boardwipes.
To find Sacred Fire King Garunix we use Foolish Burial and Fire King Island with its searchers.
To summon the Link-3 Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames we use extenders such as Crusadia Arboria and our deckmaster Crusadia Reclusia
- Interact with our Opponent!
- Remove their hopes and dreams!
The primary method this deck interacts is through popping cards using the deckmaster Crusadia Reclusia. Addtionally, Sacred Fire King Garunix will allow us to access other cards which destroy cards when they themselves are destroyed such as Fire King High Avatar Garunix and Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
We do not care ourselves if our monsters are destroyed, so we use cards such as Dark Hole, Supply Squad, and Ebon Sun to benefit from this aspect of the deck.
What do we want our deckmaster to do? Crusadia Reclusia
- Free Extender!
- Triggers Sacred Fire King Garunix!
- Reliable, Reuseable popping!
- Crusadia OTK!
The Crusadia Reclusia we choose as deckmaster has an inherent summon and a reliable pop of an opponent's card when we want it. Notably, this can destroy either a spell/trap or a monster, providing great flexiblity.
Additionally, it can provide access to the Crusadia Engine, a combo that puts out Crusadia Regulex with backup from Crusadia Revival to attack all monsters on the field with a amplified attack stat. This combo starts from normal summoning Crusadia Reclusia to link into Crusadia Magius then summoning Crusadia Reclusia using its own inherent summoning.
To captilize on the popping effect, we use cards such as Enemy Controller to tribute Crusadia Reclusia before its own effect destroys it. Remember that the popping is optional, and we may choose to use Crusadia Reclusia as a simple extender to access our other Extra Deck Link Monsters.
Notable Interactions:
- Fire King Avatar Arvata + Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames + Sacred Fire King Garunix (GY) :
The core loop of this deck. Fire King Avatar Arvata will destroy Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames on the field to trigger the revive of Sacred Fire King Garunix. Then Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames can revive by destroying Sacred Fire King Garunix. We will get interaction with Fire King Avatar Arvata (Monster Negate), Sacred Fire King Garunix (varied interaction), and Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames (Monster Destruction) - Crusadia Reclusia (Deckmaster) + Crusadia Magius:
This tiny engine allows us to gather enough material for a Link-3 (Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames) starting only from the Deckmaster. Simply Normal Summon Crusadia Reclusia, Link into Crusadia Magius, return and summon Crusadia Reclusia from the Deckmaster Zone using its once-per-turn inherent summon (denying the on-summon-effect), and trigger Crusadia Magius to add any Crusadia from Deck to hand. Link the Crusadia Magius and Crusadia Reclusia into a Link-2 with a downward arrow, and summon your Crusadia into a zone the link monster points to. Lastly, use the Link-2 and Crusadia to summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames. - Fire King Island + Sacred Fire King Garunix:
Destroying a FIRE monster with Fire King Island to add Sacred Fire King Garunix will immediatly allow you to summon Sacred Fire King Garunix from hand since it does see the destruction happen. - Crusadia Reclusia + Sacred Fire King Garunix:
If Sacred Fire King Garunix is in your hand or GY, you can use your deckmaster Crusadia Reclusia to destroy itself and one of your opponent's card to trigger Sacred Fire King Garunix to revive itself. - Legendary Fire King Ponix (GY) + Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames:
Legendary Fire King Ponix can be put into GY a number of ways, including through the effects of Fire King Avatar Kirin, Tri-Brigade Fraktall , and Foolish Burial. Following this, we can go through our normal combo line then use Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames to revive it without negating its effects. This will allow us to search Fire King Island in order to then access Sacred Fire King Garunix (destroying Legendary Fire King Ponix). - Crusadia Leonis + Tri-Brigade Airborne Assault (for Legendary Fire King Ponix):
Searchable through the Link-1 Crusadia Magius, Crusadia Leonis allows to activate Tri-Brigade Airborne Assault to search and summon Legendary Fire King Ponix. While Ponix will be negated, we are able to resummon it non-negated through use of Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames. This line does however cannot immediatly set up Fire King Avatar Arvata, but has an option to set up Fire King Avatar Rangbali instead (detailed next) - Sacred Fire King Garunix + Fire King Avatar Barong (destruction target) + Fire King Avatar Rangbali (search target):
In the case we cannot or do not want to set up Fire King Avatar Arvata in GY for Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames to revive, we can obtain an alternate negate through Fire King Avatar Rangbali. By destroying Fire King Avatar Barong, we are allowed to add Fire King Avatar Rangbali on the next standby phase. After triggering a destruction/revive of Sacred Fire King Garunix (through Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames GY effect for instance), we can then destroy Fire King Avatar Yaksha from deck which destroys Sacred Fire King Garunix on field to summon Fire King Avatar Rangbali from our hand. You may choose to add Fire King Avatar Arvata from Fire King Avatar Barong instead of Fire King Avatar Rangbali and instead destroy Fire King High Avatar Kirin from deck to summon Fire King Avatar Arvata from hand if you wish. - Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire + Unpossessed + Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous or Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous (search targets):
Awakening of the Possessed - Greater Inari Fire can be summoned from deck to search Unpossessed, which is easily triggered by our own self-destruction card effects to summon Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous or Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous, both of which can then summon their big sister Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted or The Iris Swordsoul for more interaction. - Magmacho Dragon + XYZ Rank 8:
By using Magmacho Dragon for an XYZ play, we can send it to GY instead of banishing it. This is useful to draw more cards. Remember, Magmacho Dragon can be triggered to summon on the opponent's turn if you wish to. - Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter:
You are allowed to target only monsters from your opponent's fields, as long as they are the same level, for the effect of destroying both. - Springans Ship - Exblowrer + Gigantic "Champion" Sargas + Tally-ho! Springans:
By using the effect of Springans Ship - Exblowrer then summoning Gigantic "Champion" Sargas on top of it with its alternative summoning method, we can add Tally-ho! Springans to resummon the Springans Ship - Exblowrer and add Springans Captain Sargas from the deck to the hand. This then allows us to on a following turn to attach Springans Captain Sargas to the Springans Ship - Exblowrer and use its effect again. Remember to dodge removal using the "banish self until end phase" ability of Springans Ship - Exblowrer. Also remember to trigger the effect of Gigantic "Champion" Sargas to destroy something when material is detached from XYZ monsters
To recap:
Important Cards: Sacred Fire King Garunix , Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames , Supply Squad , Crusadia Reclusia
Strategy Elevator Pitch: Pop all their stuff, then beat them up with high-level, high-attack monsters.
Suggested Alternatives:
Interaction: Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring , Effect Veiler , Droll & Lock Bird , Infinite Impermanence , Dominus Impulse , Dimension Shifter , Dogmatika Nexus , Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax , Magical Dimension , Ancient Warriors - Ambitious Cao De , Successor Soul , << Emissary from the House of Wax >>, Ecole de Zone , Ante , Kurikara Divincarnate , Witchcrafter Golem Aruru , The Golden Swordsoul , Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag
Normal Summons: Battlin' Boxer Uppercutter , Salamangreat of Fire + Salamangreat Gazelle + Salamangreat Miragestallio , Fighting Flame Swordsman , Snake-Eye Ash , The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode , Lava Golem , Volcanic Queen , Infernoble Knight - Renaud , Aleister the Invoker , Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame , Tenpai Dragon Chundra
Utility: Brushfire Knight, Diabellstar the Black Witch + Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye + Susurrus of the Sinful Spoils, Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians , Crusadia Arboria , Thelematech Clatis , Advance Draw, Knightmare Phoenix , Packet Link , Small Scuffle , Trap Tracks , High Rate Draw , Quarantine , Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous , Spright Smashers , Springans Booty + Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda , Realm Elegy , Enemy Controller , Gigantic Thundercross
Please remember, the most important goal is to have fun!