I've been working on my Spright Twins for a really long time now, and I think this just might be the best version of it as it can use Dimension shifter and play along with it. Basically denying ALLOT for others while not being harmed by it. The only real problem is that you can't use the Evil★Twin Lil-la and Evil★Twin Ki-sikil Graveyard effect, but you won't necessarily need it. You'll always want to go Turn 2 and best case scenario have dimension shifter at hand. The enemy either has a deck that actually gets helped by it (which we obviously lose) but if they don't... we can easily summon a Gigantic Spright and we're also running allot of Twins starters [ Live☆Twin Home , Live☆Twin Sunny's Snitch , Live☆Twin Ki-sikil , Live☆Twin Lil-la ] along with a search for Live☆Twin Home and Live☆Twin Sunny's Snitch ensuring we manage to get the twins no matter what as we won't be able to use the GY effect. After the beginning of the Twin combo is done, we move onto Spright if we have the correct hand, being Spright Starter into Spright Jet or Spright Blue into Spright Jet search Spright Gamma Burst , which does sound weird but it helps us OTK. XYZ Jet and Blue into Gigantic Spright and search Spright Pixies for an even better damage boost IF they have a Monster with bigger ATK than us. Then lastly, a very unexpected action, Link Live☆Twin Lil-la and Live☆Twin Ki-sikil into any Link-2, XYZ a second Gigantic Spright , this one getting double the ATK since a Link monster is used as material and use Spright Gamma Burst for 1400 ATK to every Rank/Link/Level 2. Giving our first Gigantic Spright 3000 ATK, the second one 4600 ATK and our Pixies getting 2800 as well. Making a total of 10400 ATK total and if we're fighting against someone who's useless against dimension shifter, we win. Obviously this isn't something you'll be spamming 24/7 but it's a unique way to play spright twins for an OTK along with Dimension Shifter . However if you prefer to not use D-shifter, there's the side deck option which is more based on GY effects and such, being more defensive.