Evil★Twin Ki-sikil

Views: 120,822 Views this Week: 1,919

Card Text

2 monsters, including a "Ki-sikil" monster
If this card is Special Summoned and you control a "Lil-la" monster: You can draw 1 card. During the Main Phase, if you do not control a "Lil-la" monster (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon 1 "Lil-la" monster from your GY, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fiend monsters. You can only use each effect of "Evil★Twin Ki-sikil" once per turn.

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Cards similar to Evil★Twin Ki-sikil
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Decks with Evil★Twin Ki-sikil
Banlist History for Evil★Twin Ki-sikil
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