2024-04-30 03:25:30
+ 1Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess+ 1Supreme King Z-ARC+ 3Book of Moon+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Oafdragon Magician+ 1Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax+ 1Beyond the Pendulum+ 3Maxx "C"+ 1Heavymetalfoes Electrumite+ 1Trias Hierarchia+ 1Borreload Savage Dragon+ 3Solfachord Elegance+ 2LaSolfachord Angelia+ 1MiSolfachord Eliteia+ 1Solfachord Harmonia+ 1Starving Venom Fusion Dragon+ 1Purple Poison Magician+ 2FaSolfachord Fancia+ 3DoSolfachord Cutia+ 1Solfachord Musica+ 3Reasoning+ 1Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragon+ 1Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 2Harmonizing Magician+ 1Astrograph Sorcerer+ 3Trap Trick+ 2DoSolfachord Coolia+ 1GranSolfachord Coolia+ 1Baronne de Fleur+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 1Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon+ 2SolSolfachord Gracia+ 3Soul of the Supreme King+ 3ReSolfachord Dreamia+ 3Diviner of the Herald+ 1Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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