==The big birds are so cool, aren't they? That's why you're here, right?==
This is a Simorgh decklist I've been testing and using to some moderate success. A rather fragile deck with a rather complicated combo that, ends with some simple yet effective board; It won't take down any meta or rogue relevant decks, but it is sure is a lot of fun. The mental image of multiple big birds pecking away your opponent is an entertaining one. Staying true to MD's gimmick of unpopular and weird decks being expensive af however, I almost went bankrupt on gems and dust crafting the deck; totally worth it.
It is also a rather restricting deck, focusing on WIND (and Dark) Winged Beast, and locking into Winged Beast. We don't have a lot going with Winged Beast.
The deck performs best going first, and it's go second is really weak and truthfully, non-existant. But, if you're looking at this (amateur) guide, you probably don't care about all that, do you?
================== The Nest
Main Deck
Simorgh, Bird of Beginning (50820852) : Additional normal summon, plus GY revival effect.
Simorgh, Bird of Bringing (96214561) : Add ANY 1 Simorgh card. GY revival effect. Pretty great.
Simorgh, Bird of Calamity (23619206) : Mostly used for the GY revival, but can be summoned in an emergency.
Simorgh, Bird of Protection (59707204) : Only for GY revival.
Simorgh, Bird of Perfection (52843699) : Named Perfection for a reason, Send 1 Simorgh from deck, add 1 S/T from deck. Then, is also an additional normal summon, which is amazing. That said, the immediate normal summon can miss timing, so watch out for that.
Dark Simorgh (11366199) : Pretty important monster for the deck, as since it prevents your opponent setting cards, you can almost guarantee the small birds in your GY can revive themself. Also pretty easy to summon.
Simorgh, Lord of the Storm (95192919) : Generally, you would summon this card with tribute summon (or with Sovereignty, if Apex Avian is still on field). Can target shuffle into deck your opponent's card when they active S/T. The add to hand effect is also quite neat on a prolonged duel.
Simorgh of Darkness (22586618) : S/T negate. Most of the time, you want to send him to the GY because of his first effect.
Mist Valley Apex Avian (29587993) : Omni Negate, surprise Normal Summon without tribute with the right setup.
Raider's Wing (52159691) : Raidraptor combo line to summon Rising Rebellion.
Raidraptor - Singing Lanius (31314549) : Raidraptor combo line to summon Rising Rebellion.
Gusto Griffin (42082363) : Discard fooder, and extra body to summon by Gulldo.
Gusto Gulldo (65277087) : Summoned via Griffin, and summon Griffin when left the field. Actually, the deck can do without both Gusto, as they're kinda bricky & garnet.
Laughing Puffin (80275707) : LV4 Dark Winged Beast to be added. But also, it can Special Summon itself, and the bounce effect can prove game-changing on some occasion, as we want the opponent's S/T zone to be as clean as possible.
Mulcharmy Fuwalos (42141493) : Cockroach replacement, but unlike that pathetic brick of an excuse card (you hate maxxc because it's unfair, I hate maxxc because it's a brick that only takes up spaces), we can actually use fuwalos to benefit the deck, all due to it being a Wind Winged Beast.
Speedroid Terrortop (81275020) : Free 2 body with Taketomborg. Can be used for Cherubini when starting the game, or Greatfly to press the attack.
Speedroid Taketomborg (53932291) : Extender since all our normal summons are Wind.
Simorgh Onslaught (28617139) : An amazing card that should probably also named Perfection. Discard 1 Winged Beast to add 2 Simorgh monster: 1 Wind, 1 Dark. Would have been perfect if only some of the Simorghs can active their effects on special summon, but I guess that's what makes them unique, no? The GY effect can be ignored most of the time, but you can use it on Apex Avian to Great effect.
Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh (92223430) : The Simorgh Field spell, both effect are amazing to extend or quickly summon one of the big bird. The attack boost is small, but it's really meaningful.
Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force (41201386) : The yellow one. Used to summon Big Boss Bird Rising Rebellion Falcon. Garnet.
Rise Rank-Up-Magic Raidraptor's Force (38044854) : Used to summon Big Boss Bird Rising Rebellion Falcon. also Garnet.
Harpie's Feather Duster (18144506) : This is actually important for going 2nd, we need the opponent's S/T zone clear if we want the small birds to revive themselves
Called by the Grave (24224830) : Protect Perfection and other chokepoint from Ash. Of course, can also be used as interruption. You know the drill.
Simorgh Sky Battle (57823578) : A really cool card; the protection effect is really neat, but the field wipe is probably one of the coolest thing I've read in a YGO card. Great card overall, but not that high on priority. Unless we're playing pure (like some events that bans Raidraptor/card associated with it that we just so happen to use).
Harpie's Feather Storm (87639778) : Mega Negate. Half-Skill-Drain on the Wind. 90 UR balls. My F2P saving never actually financially recovered from it.
Raidraptor - Glorious Bright (13927359) : Counter Omni Negate, so it's great. Mainly to make sure we can still summon Rising Rebellion in the events one of the garnet is on our starting hand.
Infinite Impermanence (10045474) : Imperm.
Extra Deck - I'm highlighting only the important ones for extra & side
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty (72330894) : Simorgh Banner Bearer, rallying the other birds into field and keeps the morale of the deck going. If this card is banned, the deck can just go bye-bye.
Raidraptor - Force Strix (73347079) : Raidraptor line. OPT Add 1 Dark Winged Beast.
Raidraptor - Brave Strix (08617563) : Raidraptor line. For the S/T.
Raidraptor - Wise Strix (36429703) : Raidraptor line. Special summon upon hitting the field and to Rank-Up Force Strix.
Raidraptor - Rising Rebellion Falcon (71222868) : Ultimate Big Bird of a Boss. 5300 Unaffected Tower that nukes the field upon descend. With this guy on the field, your Simorgh's might as well just be big chickens. Sometimes I wish Simorgh got a Big Boss Bird of their own (maybe a Link-5).
Greatfly (90512490) : Add more attack into the bird's pecking attack.
Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss (58699500) : Instant Sovereignty with 1 Speedroid terrortop.
================== The Flight
The core play of the deck is to put Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty (72330894) on our board, then proceed with whatever resources we have left. This is easy enough, as we have plenty of card all rushing summon him, but also tricky, because we use mosty of it to rush him out. There is however, essentialy a 1-card combo in our deck :
Big Boss Bird Line :
Need in hand : 1x Simorgh, Bird of Perfection
This line of play is basically from John of all Trades (Really big thanks!) on Youtube (with only 890-ish view on the video no less (really tells how unpopular this deck is, huh?)) : https://youtu.be/p_Kul6V6a0k?si=ZGWcJQPiioHktMVq (Sorry I'm not original, I'm actually really bad at this)
.:Normal summon Perfection --> Send Protection, add Onslaught
.:Special summon Protection --> XYZ Force Strix; Detach 1 to add Raider's Wing
.:Active Onslaught sending Raider's Wing to add Perfection & Beginning
.:Special Summon Raider's Wing from GY; Reveal Perfection --> Normal Summon Beginning, activating it's effect
.:Normal Summon the 2nd Perfection --> Link Wise Strix with Force Strix and 1 of the Dark Birds
.:Wise Strix Special Summon Singing Lanius (Strangle Lanius on video) --> XYZ Force Strix; Detach 1 to add either Perfection or Puffin
.:Wise Strix immediately actives : set Raid Force (yellow one); active on Force Strix to XYZ Brave Strix
.:Active Brave Strix to detach Force Strix to active effect (IMPORTANT); Set or Add (then set) Raidraptor's Force
.:Link Sovereignty with Wise Strix and Beginning.
This gives a Raidraptor - Rising Rebellion Falcon (71222868) summon on your opponent's turn with only 1 Bird of Perfection, nuking the field and putting a 5300 tower on your board. If you managed to put Simorgh Sky Battle (57823578) on your field, it would also limit your opponent's option by a lot.
Note : I swapped Strangle Lanius with Singing Lanius due to Strangle's restriction of only Dark. It might not come into play, but it's more of a just in case (both are used only for extending the XYZ play anyway, so it's not much difference.) (The 2nd effect might have some use, but I don't bother much with it, because the opportunity to use it are few and rare (never, in my case actually).
Glorious Bright is needed in case you draw one of the Rank-up Magic, This way, you can still active Brave Strix to detach Force Strix in order to summon Rising Rebellion.
Other Plays :
.: Terrortop and Taketomborg are meant to summon Cherubini, which sends Calamity in order for it to Special Summon itself. This provides a guaranteed Sovereignty.
.: Discarding Gusto Griffin with Onslaught will enable you to summon Gusto Gulldo, which can serve as material for Sovereignty or Tribute fooder.
.: One of the best thing this deck can do is activating Onslaught effect to banish itself, reducing the level of Mist Valley Apex Avian (29587993) on your hand. Then, active both of Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh (92223430) to Normal Summon Apex Avian without tribute. It's fun.
.: Remember, Simorgh of Darkness (22586618) can special summon itself from GY when you tribute summon Dark or Wind (all of our big level monster).
================== The Nest, Side Deck Option
Side deck provides some cards that may or may not work with the deck, always remember : mix and match to suit your style.
Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius (87321742) : Or Singing Lanius. Whichever you prefer, really.
Speedroid Fuki-Modoshi Piper (50482813) : A very interesting card, because it just adds 1 of whatever it excavates. Very high experimentation potential, can be summoned with Taketomborg field effect.
Cockadoodledoo (42338879) : Special Summon without cost, just another extra body, really.
Harpie's Pet Dragon - Fearsome Fire Blast (04991081) : Kinda like Taketomborg, requiring only Wind (LV 6 or lower, but whatever). Two things with this guy : 1. It can send 1 Wind Winged Beast when he's sent from field to GY (Simorgh's with GY revival or Lord of the Storm, OR something else that you want to add but not on this list, one notable is Tri- Brigade Nervall, but I don't put it on this list). 2.It is "Harpie's Pet Dragon - whatever". we can active Harpie's Feather Storm from hand with him on field.
Adamancipator Risen - Raptite (73079836) : Should you want some Synchro play via Gusto. It's a rock, but it looks like a bird. It fits.
Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen (99726621) : Banish on summon. I don't personally use it, but it might prove interesting to play.
Wing Requital (08843569) : Draw 2 if you have 2 or more Winged Beast. Ends up being a brick for me.
Imperial Iron Wall (30459350) : Prevents the small Simorgh's from being banished by their own effect, enabling reuse on next turn.
Piloting the deck requires a bit of practice, as the main combo can be messed easily, and in the event where you cannot summon Rising Rebellion, it's more of case-by-case of what cards on your hand.
Happy Dueling~