Common CharityEdisonTCGOCG

Dark Simorgh

Views: 152,847 Views this Week: 505

Card Text

While face-up on the field, this card is also WIND-Attribute. You can banish 1 DARK monster and 1 WIND monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish 1 DARK monster and 1 WIND monster from your hand; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. Your opponent cannot Set any cards on the field.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Dark Simorgh
Card: Simorgh of DarknessCard: Simorgh, Bird of PerfectionCard: Simorgh, Lord of the StormCard: Elborz, the Sacred Lands of SimorghCard: Simorgh, Bird of BeginningCard: Simorgh, Bird of AncestryCard: Simorgh, Bird of BringingCard: Simorgh, Bird of Protection
Decks with Dark Simorgh
Banlist History for Dark Simorgh
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