7 starters for the Mistva one-card combo (+2 in side), 6 starters for Sky Striker, 3 Thrusts that can start either thanks to Melody.
The basic idea is to go 2nd, break the board and/or eat negates as much as possible with Striker, end that half on a downward arrow or empty for Mistva, then drop big dudes with Ryu-Ge to clean up the rest. Ryu-Ge's awful bottleneck is War Zone, hence crossouts to deal with Ash, Droll, and Lancea, with Ghost Ogre issues (it "negates" Mistva's scale effect since he can't pop himself, and can pop War Zone at activation, blocking its on field effect).
Ryu-Ge bricks for this deck are 2x Emva, 1x Hakva, 1x Kaiva, 1x Wyrm Winds,1x Dino Domains (6x bricks) - Kaiva easily goes 1x because it sends itself back to deck even through negates, and 1x Hakva is fine because you can play around sometimes drawing it thanks to Protos (self-banish Hakva from hand, then on War Zone draw Protos, banish Emva, grave Kaiva. Hakva from banish, Kaiva from grave, second Emva from deck). 2x Emva without Sea Spires because IMO it's got the least useful field spell, and there's currently no worthwhile Sea Serpent to swap one out for, plus the 2x gives Ryu-Ge Rising a target for its grave effect.
Unfortunately, if you draw both of a brick pair then yeah, War Zone's bricked. You can use breakers to destroy enough cards to special Kaiva from hand, and you can send Emva to grave with Melody and then proc it with hand traps, but Hakva's a total brick in that scenario and regardless you're massively behind if you can't resolve War Zone. And I don't like running 9x bricks (2x monster, 1x field spell, all x3) because that's just trading War Zone consistency for general inconsistency.
The Striker engine is oversized compared how it's used in other decks because Ryu-Ge barely uses 1-2 slots in the extra deck for Varudras (and going 2nd you only summon it occasionally!) so you have plenty of room to play a Striker grind game for a couple turns if you get Lancea'd or something. As an additional upside, you can run through all the Striker Link 1's and have a ton of free ammo for Protos.
If you're forced to go first, side out breakers for handtraps, tech in two more Melodies for extra Ryu-Ge starters, and do the normal Nib-safe Ryu-Ge stuff into Varudras. You can chuck out some Engages to pray you bait handtraps but don't overcommit lest you get Nib'd.