Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva

Views: 68,242 Views this Week: 707

Pendulum Text

During your Main Phase: You can add 1 non-Pendulum "Ryu-Ge" card from your Deck to your hand, then destroy this card. You can only use this effect of "Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva" once per turn.

Card Text

Must be Special Summoned by its own effect. You can only Special Summon "Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva(s)" once per turn. If a monster(s) on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect, while this card is in your Extra Deck: You can Tribute 1 Level 10 "Ryu-Ge" monster, and if you do, Special Summon this card (this is treated as a Ritual Summon), then you can apply this effect.
● Destroy up to 2 cards you control, and if you do, place up to that many "Ryu-Ge" Continuous Spells from your Deck face-up on your field.

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Decks with Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva
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