2023-12-10 14:45:55
+ 3A Legendary Ocean+ 1Bahamut Shark+ 1Number 4: Numeron Gate Catvari+ 1Dream Shark+ 1Number C101: Silent Honor DARK+ 2Sea Stealth Attack+ 1Xyz Armor Fortress+ 1Abyss Dweller+ 3Fish Sonar+ 3Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin+ 1Number 47: Nightmare Shark+ 2Ice Barrier+ 1N.As.H. Knight+ 2Foolish Burial Goods+ 1Full-Armored Xyz+ 3Warrior of Atlantis+ 1Number 101: Silent Honor ARK+ 3Gozen Match+ 1Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju+ 2Sea Stealth II+ 1CXyz N.As.Ch. Knight+ 3Abyss Shark+ 1Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer+ 1Doom Kraken+ 3Pot of Prosperity+ 1Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder+ 1Toadally Awesome+ 1Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis+ 1Stealth Kragen Spawn+ 1Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef+ 3Electric Jellyfish+ 1Mega Fortress Whale+ 1Crystal Shark+ 1Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer- 1Instant Fusion- 1Knightmare Phoenix- 1Greater Polymerization- 2Predaprime Fusion- 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy- 1Guardian Chimera- 1Predapruning- 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring- 2Predaplant Triantis- 1Polymerization- 1Predaplant Chimerafflesia- 1Predaplant Spider Orchid- 3Predapractice- 3Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio- 1Knightmare Unicorn- 1Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon- 1Starving Venom Fusion Dragon- 3Predaplant Byblisp- 3Lonefire Blossom- 1Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon- 2Predaplant Spinodionaea- 2Predaplant Sarraceniant- 1Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra- 1I:P Masquerena- 2Predaplant Ambulomelides- 2Predaplant Dragostapelia- 3Predaplant Bufolicula- 1Predaplast- 1Saryuja Skull Dread- 1Ultra Polymerization- 1Predaplant Triphyoverutum- 2Predaponics- 2Predaplant Chlamydosundew- 1Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra

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