2024-11-16 06:31:22
+ 3Draco Face-Off+ 2Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer+ 2Plunder Patrollship Lys+ 2Plunder Patrollship Moerk+ 2Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer+ 3Whitebeard, the Plunder Patroll Helm+ 1True King's Return+ 3Bluebeard, the Plunder Patroll Shipwright+ 3Ignis Phoenix, the Dracoslayer+ 1True Draco Apocalypse+ 2Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain+ 2Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey+ 2Emblem of the Plunder Patroll+ 3Goldenhair, the Newest Plunder Patroll+ 1Plunder Patrollship Jord+ 3Forge of the True Dracos+ 2Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer+ 3Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide+ 3Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer+ 3Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer+ 3Plunder Patroll Shipyarrrd+ 2Plunder Patrollship Brann+ 2Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster+ 2Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord
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