Common CharityTCGOCG

Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord

Views: 191,055 Views this Week: 303

Card Text

You can Ritual Summon this card with "Amorphous Persona". If this card is Ritual Summoned: Your opponent skips their next Main Phase 1. Negate the effects of face-up Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters while they are on the field. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Dracoverlord" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord".

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Cards similar to Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord
Card: Void ImaginationCard: Amorphous PersonaCard: Number 84: Pain GainerCard: Pain PainterCard: Lector Pendulum, the DracoverlordCard: Vector Pendulum, the DracoverlordCard: Nightmare PainCard: Raidraptor - Pain Lanius
Decks with Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord
Banlist History for Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord
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