Common CharityTCGOCG

True King's Return

Views: 172,037 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

If this card is sent from the Spell & Trap Zone to the GY: You can target 1 monster on the field; destroy it. You cannot activate the following effects of "True King's Return" in the same Chain.
● You can target 1 "True Draco" or "True King" monster in your GY; Special Summon it in Defense Position, also for the rest of this turn, you cannot Special Summon.
● During your opponent's Main Phase, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Tribute Summon 1 "True Draco" or "True King" monster face-up.
You can only use each effect of "True King's Return" once per turn.

TCGplayer Sets

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Decks with True King's Return
Banlist History for True King's Return
Banlist Date Status Type
2020-12-15 Semi-Limited TCG
2020-09-14 Limited TCG
2020-06-15 Limited TCG
2020-04-20 Limited TCG
2020-01-20 Limited TCG
2019-10-14 Limited TCG
2019-07-15 Limited TCG
2019-04-29 Limited TCG
2019-01-28 Limited TCG
2018-12-03 Limited TCG
2018-10-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2018-09-17 Limited TCG
2018-07-01 Limited OCG
2018-05-21 Limited TCG
2018-04-01 Limited OCG
2018-02-05 Limited TCG
2018-01-01 Limited OCG
2017-11-06 Limited TCG
2017-10-01 Limited OCG
2017-09-18 Limited TCG
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