2024-08-02 00:00:29
+ 1Decode Talker+ 1Sales Pitch+ 1Skull Guardian+ 3Black Luster Soldier+ 1Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic+ 1Beginning Knight+ 1Curse of Dragonfire+ 1Artillery Catapult Turtle+ 1Proxy F Magician+ 2Pre-Preparation of Rites+ 2Super Soldier Ritual+ 1Chaos Form+ 2Senju of the Thousand Hands+ 2Polymerization+ 1Maestroke the Symphony Djinn+ 1Darkflare Dragon+ 1Sangan+ 1Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight+ 1Evening Twilight Knight+ 1Grenosaurus Giga-Cannon+ 1Reprodocus+ 1Envoy of Chaos+ 1Sorcerer of Sebek+ 1Exosister Asophiel+ 1Dark Magician+ 1Magician of Chaos+ 1Divine Wrath+ 1Cross-Sheep+ 3Black Luster Ritual+ 2Sonic Bird+ 1Guardian of the Voiceless Voice+ 1Number 32: Shark Drake+ 1Gaia the Dragon Champion+ 1Bujinki Amaterasu+ 1Dragon's Mirror+ 1Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon+ 1Dyna Mondo+ 1Witch of the Black Forest+ 1King of the Swamp+ 1Super Soldier Soul+ 1Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter+ 2Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands+ 1Preparation of Rites+ 1Call of the Haunted+ 1Destruction Jammer
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