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Preparation of Rites

Views: 1,257,519 Views this Week: 707
  • Type Spell Card
  • TCG Date 2009-11-17
  • OCG Date 2009-07-18

Card Text

Add 1 Level 7 or lower Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell from your GY to your hand.

TCGplayer Sets

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Decks with Preparation of Rites
Banlist History for Preparation of Rites
Banlist Date Status Type
2017-11-06 Semi-Limited TCG
2017-09-18 Semi-Limited TCG
2017-07-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2017-06-12 Limited TCG
2017-04-01 Limited OCG
2017-03-31 Limited TCG
2017-01-01 Limited OCG
2016-10-01 Limited OCG
2016-08-29 Limited TCG
2016-07-01 Limited OCG
2016-04-11 Limited TCG
2016-04-01 Limited OCG
2016-01-01 Limited OCG
2015-11-09 Limited TCG
2015-10-01 Limited OCG
2015-07-01 Limited TCG
2015-04-01 Limited TCG
2015-04-01 Limited OCG
2015-01-01 Limited OCG
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