Artillery Catapult Turtle

Views: 182,860 Views this Week: 843

Card Text

You can Tribute 1 monster; Special Summon 1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster, or 1 Level 5 Dragon monster, from your hand or Deck. You can only use this effect of "Artillery Catapult Turtle" once per turn.

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Cards similar to Artillery Catapult Turtle
Card: Galloping GaiaCard: Spiral Spear StrikeCard: Catapult TurtleCard: Knight of LegendCard: Soldier Gaia the Fierce KnightCard: Gaia the Magical Knight of DragonsCard: Beginning of Heaven and EarthCard: Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon
Decks with Artillery Catapult Turtle
Banlist History for Artillery Catapult Turtle
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