2024-02-25 08:50:38
+ 1Thunder Dragonlord+ 1Thunder Dragon Thunderstormech+ 2Pre-Preparation of Rites+ 1Recette de Viande (Meat Recipe)+ 1Foie Glasya de Nouvelles+ 1Thunder Dragon Colossus+ 1Nouvelles Restaurant "At Table"+ 1Armored Lizard+ 1Thunder Dragon Discharge+ 1Thunder Dragonmatrix+ 1Zuttomozaurus+ 1Buerillabaisse de Nouvelles+ 1Rude Kaiser+ 1Thunder Dragonroar+ 2Hungry Burger+ 2Thunder Dragon+ 1Recette de Personnel (Staff Recipe)+ 1Thunder Dragon Titan+ 1Gold Moon Coin+ 1Poissonniere de Nouvelles+ 1Man-Eating Plant+ 1Swordstalker+ 1Balameuniere de Nouvelles+ 1Confiras de Nouvelles+ 1Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon+ 1Thunder Dragonduo+ 1Thunder Dragondark+ 1Cobraman Sakuzy+ 1Krokodilus+ 2Hamburger Recipe+ 1Thunder Dragons' Hundred Thunders+ 1Thunder Dragonhawk+ 1Cobra Jar+ 1Recette de Poisson (Fish Recipe)+ 1Chef's Special Recipe+ 1Baelgrill de Nouvelles+ 1Poeltis de Nouvelles+ 1Anthrosaurus+ 1Thunder Dragon Fusion+ 1Preparation of Rites
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