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Thunder Dragonroar

Views: 463,741 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

You can discard this card; add to your hand, 1 of your "Thunder Dragon" cards that is banished or in your GY, except "Thunder Dragonroar". If this card is banished, or sent from the field to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 "Thunder Dragon" monster from your Deck in Defense Position, but return it to the hand during the End Phase. You can only use 1 "Thunder Dragonroar" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

TCGplayer Sets

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Banlist History for Thunder Dragonroar
Banlist Date Status Type
2023-02-14 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-02-06 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2022-04-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2022-01-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2021-10-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2021-07-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2021-04-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2021-01-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-10-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-07-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-04-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2020-01-01 Semi-Limited OCG
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