The main idea of the deck is to sustain a board of
a.) an "Earthbound Immortal" monster,
b.) "Mound of the Bound Creator", and
c.) a combination of co-linked "Knightmare" monsters, "Borrel-" monsters, and "Firewall Dragon".
The absolute best hand you can start with, going first, will contain either "Terraforming" or "Mound of the Bound Creator", an "Earthbound Immortal" monster, and "Scapeghost". The best Immortals' effects require you to tribute a monster (e.g. Uru's "Change of Heart" effect.), so "Scapeghost" provides, at most, 3 uses of these effects, as well as fodder to Tribute Summon an Immortal. Alternatively, you can make "Summon Sorceress" and a "Knightmare" monster, then use the effect of "Summon Sorceress" to Special Summon "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" from your deck. This deck does best going first. If done right, you can often OTK using the effect of "Borrelsword Dragon" and the Direct Attacking abilities of your "Earthbound Immortal" monsters, as well as the burn effect of "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu". This is the second edit of the deck, which is still in-dev by myself and a few friends.