Hello guys this is my dreammirror fiendsmith deck!
My first deck profile here, but ill try to explain it as good as I can.
Dreammirror is my favorite deck for a long time, but since they never got more support the deck couldnt compete even with the rogue decks anymore, but with fiendsmith the deck got alot more consistent, can play sometimes through handtraps and even if the dreammirror line gets stopped, u can still accomplish something on the field, as before u were doomed to one ash blossom( sometimes u still will be)
I tested out alot, different variants from this, but lets start why i include the 5 card yubel package here
Phantom of yubel can help u go full combo without worry about a monster handtrap going first, or can bait the enemy ash with the fieldspell.
I rly like it, but we needed to add 2 more bricks into the deck, thats why i had the best results with a deck that is a little over 40 cards. I play less of 3 ofs to minimize drawing dead cards going second so we have a good chance of winning. Theres still alot that can be changed, but in my opinion the decks core with fiendsmith and dreammirror is around 25-30 cards if u wanna play the yubel package aswell, i rly like it alot. Sometimes i side it out for more going second cards like evenly against decks with strong endboards on field.
So what has now changed for dreammirror?
With dreammirror u can go into the fiendamizh engine with one card, neiroy the lvl3 fiend, since he can change from dark to light fiend if his effect resolves, so u can bridge into the fiendsmith link 1 and go throm there. The combo usualy looks like this, so that u use the link 2 to fusionsummon by shuffling back from grave ur ikelos and neiroy, to get our dreammirror tormentor for a omni negate. Consistent without having to search for the fusion spell. Before it was that if u didnt draw ur trap, the black knight or the fusion spell, u had only one search so u had to decide which of the 3 u will get. Now u have always the fusion with 1 card, so if u drew for example one of the knights, u can search for the trap since its the only piece missing for ur ,,best,, endboard option. And the other way around if u drew the trap, u can get the knights or the trap. If u go first, u can also always search with ikelos one of the traps, and use maras effect to tribute herself and special ikelos from the deck in the enemies turn, so u can get ur black knight out from hand also in his turn. Also u can run now less copies of the dreammirror monster, since now u can shuffle them back into the deck, so fiendamith also helps with ur grind game and recycling ur disruptions. U could play one less of the light lvl 3, but if u draw it u need to change ur combo line a bit to the worse, thats why i decided to play 2.
Overall i love to play this variant, i think that something into this direction is probably the most viable way now to play dreammirror, and also depending on hand u can also get tormentor+ desirae in the same turn out, that provides u also with another 2 disruptions.
The perfect hand can accomplish actually a decent amount of disruptions, with yubel + tormentor,+ desirae+ black knight+ 1 of the traps+ effect fromthe oneiros when one monster u control tributes itself for another pop,+ if desirae leaves the field another disruption. If they play into everything thats 7 disruptions, but its rarely gonna happen.
If u have thoughts or questions i would like to hear them :)