Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor

Views: 68,310 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

2 "Dream Mirror" monsters with different Attributes
While face-up on the field, this card is also LIGHT-Attribute. You can only use each of the following effects of "Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor" once per turn.
● When a monster effect is activated while "Dream Mirror of Terror" is in a Field Zone (Quick Effect): You can negate that effect.
● If "Dream Mirror of Joy" is in a Field Zone (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking" from your Extra Deck in Defense Position.

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Cards similar to Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor
Card: Oneiros, the Dream Mirror ErlkingCard: Neiroy, the Dream Mirror TraitorCard: Phantasos, the Dream Mirror FriendCard: Dream Mirror of JoyCard: Ikelos, the Dream Mirror MaraCard: Neiroy, the Dream Mirror DiscipleCard: Ikelos, the Dream Mirror SpriteCard: Dream Mirror Fantasy
Decks with Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor
Banlist History for Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor
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