Souleating Oviraptor is your key. Add it using Fossil Dig if you do not have it.
Summon it, then send carbonedden to the GY, banish carbon to SS flamvell guard, then those 2 sync into IB, then IB adds qorld legacy guardragon.
Activ world legacy guardragon, SS flamvell from gy, then link Ib and Flamvell into Beat cop to the right zone (it des not really matter, but there is a change here ***). IB SS World CHALICE Guardragon, then use it to link into elpy to the rightmost(*** If you summoned Beat Cop to the left Link Zone, then Summon Elpy to the LEFTMOST zone, not rightmost) zone.
Then banish chalice dragon from gy to SS Flamvell, then link into Pisty to the middle. Then elpy's eff to SS Brotuar, Brotaur's eff, adding chaos drag levieneer.
The rest is not set. Meaning, whatever you have in your hand, go with it. Go to youtube and watch some vids on "Dragon deck OCT 2019" if you need more help. But you should end up with at least 2 or more LOCKDOWN monsters (Hope Harbringer, Dawn dragster, Savage, apollosa, etc)
The Sauravaris is just incase opponent uses Impermanence or Effect Veiler, Called by the Grave is self explanatory (stops ash, effect veiler, ghost ogre etc), Red-Eyes is just in case you DRAW into Brotaur for your draw phase at the start of the duel, in which case, you need to go for the Original Guardragon Crusadia combo.