Common CharityTCGOCG

Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson

Views: 1,302,807 Views this Week: 707

Card Text

If this card is in your hand or GY: You can pay half your LP, then target 1 Level 6 or lower monster you control; Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card's Level is reduced by the Level of the targeted monster, also place this card on the bottom of the Deck if it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson" once per turn.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Card: Descending Lost StarCard: Dirge of the Lost DragonCard: Lost WindCard: The Phantom Knights of Lost VambraceCard: Lost WorldCard: Branded LostCard: Forest of Lost FlowersCard: Bird of Paradise Lost
Decks with Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Banlist History for Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Banlist Date Status Type
2022-12-01 Limited TCG
2022-10-03 Limited TCG
2022-05-17 Limited TCG
2022-02-07 Limited TCG
2021-10-01 Forbidden TCG
2021-07-01 Forbidden TCG
2021-03-15 Forbidden TCG
2020-12-15 Forbidden TCG
2020-09-14 Forbidden TCG
2020-06-15 Forbidden TCG
2020-04-20 Forbidden TCG
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