Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms

Views: 511,697 Views this Week: 1,011

Card Text

You can discard this card and 1 WIND monster to the GY; add 1 Dragon monster from your Deck to your hand. You can banish a total of 2 WIND and/or Dragon monsters from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon this card from your hand or GY. During your opponent's End Phase, if you control this Special Summoned card: Return it to the hand. If this card is banished: You can add 1 WIND Dragon monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use 1 "Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

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Cards similar to Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
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Decks with Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Banlist History for Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Banlist Date Status Type
2024-09-02 Semi-Limited TCG
2024-07-01 Semi-Limited OCG
2024-04-15 Limited TCG
2024-04-01 Limited OCG
2024-01-01 Limited TCG
2024-01-01 Limited OCG
2023-12-05 Semi-Limited Master Duel
2023-11-09 Limited Master Duel
2023-10-10 Limited Master Duel
2023-10-01 Limited OCG
2023-09-25 Limited TCG
2023-09-01 Limited Master Duel
2023-08-10 Limited Master Duel
2023-07-01 Limited World Championship
2023-07-01 Limited OCG
2023-07-01 Limited Master Duel
2023-06-08 Limited Master Duel
2023-06-05 Limited TCG
2023-05-01 Limited Master Duel
2023-04-10 Limited Master Duel
2023-04-01 Limited OCG
2023-03-09 Limited Master Duel
2023-02-14 Limited Master Duel
2023-02-13 Limited TCG
2023-02-06 Limited Master Duel
2023-01-01 Limited OCG
2022-12-01 Limited TCG
2022-10-03 Limited TCG
2022-10-01 Limited OCG
2022-07-01 Limited OCG
2022-05-17 Limited TCG
2022-04-01 Limited OCG
2022-02-07 Limited TCG
2022-01-01 Limited OCG
2021-10-01 Limited TCG
2021-10-01 Limited OCG
2021-07-01 Limited TCG
2021-07-01 Limited OCG
2021-04-01 Limited OCG
2021-03-15 Limited TCG
2021-01-01 Limited OCG
2020-12-15 Limited TCG
2020-10-01 Limited OCG
2020-09-14 Limited TCG
2020-07-01 Limited OCG
2020-06-15 Limited TCG
2020-04-20 Limited TCG
2020-01-20 Limited TCG
2019-10-14 Limited TCG
2019-07-15 Limited TCG
2019-04-29 Forbidden TCG
2019-01-28 Forbidden TCG
2019-01-01 Limited OCG
2018-12-03 Forbidden TCG
2018-10-01 Limited OCG
2018-09-17 Forbidden TCG
2018-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2018-05-21 Forbidden TCG
2018-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2018-02-05 Forbidden TCG
2018-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2017-11-06 Forbidden TCG
2017-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2017-09-18 Forbidden TCG
2017-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2017-06-12 Forbidden TCG
2017-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2017-03-31 Forbidden TCG
2017-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2016-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2016-08-29 Forbidden TCG
2016-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2016-04-11 Forbidden TCG
2015-11-09 Forbidden TCG
2015-07-01 Forbidden TCG
2015-04-01 Forbidden TCG
2015-01-01 Limited TCG
2015-01-01 Limited OCG
2014-10-01 Limited TCG
2014-07-14 Limited TCG
2014-07-01 Limited OCG
2014-04-01 Limited TCG
2014-01-01 Limited TCG
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