A crazy combo deck which consistently leads to a board with Saryuja Skull Dread, Lord Of The Red, ABC - Dragon Buster, Invoked Mechaba, Ancient Gear Megaton Golem and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon. The deck works by giving Ryu Okami to your opponent through Summon Sorceress and milling Cyber Dragon Nova to special summon machine fusion monsters from the extra deck. The deck won't work if the opponent's zones in front of the extra monster zones are occupied or if either Summon Sorceress or Ryu Okami get negated.
Having Ryu Okami in your hand is mandatory for the deck to work: destroy Mariamne with Diagram or another Mariamne to search it out.
Second step is to summon Summon Sorceress, which you can do in three ways
- discard Rosenix or Thystvern to special summon Sulfefnir, destroy it with its effect to summon Citree and use Rosenix's token or Thystvern's search to go into Needlefiber, use its effect to special summon another Citree and go into Sorceress;
- special summon Terrortop and bring out Taketomborg, then summon any Crystron and go directly into Sorceress;
- summon a True King and Al-Lumi'raj to go Needlefiber -> Citree -> Sorceress; Al-Lumi'raj can be brought out by destroying Bahrastos.
Now the combo begins: special summon Ryu Okami to your opponent's field with Sorceress' first effect, then use its second effect to bring out a True King: this way Ryu will start milling your Extra Deck.
Megaton is a big beater, Mechaba negates, ABC banishes, Chimeratech dumps ABC's materials and attacks multiple times, Omega recycles Nova and Herald, Herald searches Lord Of The Red and Advanced Ritual Art, Nova summons fusions (except ABC) and Saryuja and Goblin expand your Extra Monster Zones.