Side Deck

2025-01-18 15:37:04
+ 1Double Headed Anger Knuckle+ 1Number Wall+ 1Cyber Dragon Nachster+ 1Deep-Space Cruiser IX+ 1Number 9: Dyson Sphere+ 1Infinitrack Road Roller+ 1Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid+ 1Cyber Dragon Infinity+ 1Therion "King" Regulus+ 1Carnot the Eternal Machine+ 1Heavy Freight Train Derricrane+ 1Xyz Import+ 1Supply Squad+ 1Heavy Storm+ 1Infinitrack Goliath+ 1Cyber Dragon Core+ 1Infinitrack River Stormer+ 1Urgent Schedule+ 1Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-King+ 1All-Out Attacks+ 1Battle Mania+ 1Savage Colosseum+ 1Steel Star Regulator+ 1Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos+ 1Heavy Forward+ 1Arcjet Lightcraft+ 1Machina Cannon+ 1Quaking Mirror Force+ 1Giant Trunade+ 1Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Gearspring Spirit+ 1Machina Ruinforce+ 1Cyber Dragon Sieger+ 1Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force+ 1Night Express Knight+ 1Super Express Bullet Train+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Cyberload Fusion+ 1Cyber Dragon Nova+ 1Lord of the Missing Barrows+ 1Infinitrack Trencher+ 1Infinitrack Anchor Drill+ 1Marshalling Field+ 1Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju+ 1Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 1Overlay Network+ 1Double Wild+ 1Numbers Protection+ 1Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops+ 1Set Rotation+ 1Terraforming+ 1Painful Choice+ 1Ancient Gear Dragon+ 1Revolving Switchyard+ 1Gimmick Puppet Fantasix Machinix+ 1Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron+ 1Infinitrack Brutal Dozer+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Chimeratech Rampage Dragon+ 1B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core+ 1Clockwork Night+ 1Last Will+ 1Machina Citadel+ 1Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede+ 1Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder+ 1Oni-Gami Combo+ 1Staunch Defender+ 1Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force+ 1Infinitrack Earth Slicer+ 1Jar of Avarice

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