Spirit with Eyes of Blue + Mausoleum of White can convert an Effect Veiler or a negated Centur-Ion Primera into a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Neo Kaiser Sea Horse is great because he's a light level 4 tuner that can special summon himself from your hand if you control a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, so you can easily make Centur-Ion Auxila to go into your Centur-Ion combos then banish him from your graveyard to summon a Bystial. Activate Neo Kaiser's graveyard effect to send Maiden of White from your deck to your graveyard. Maiden can special summon herself from your graveyard if you special summoned a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then you can send her from your field to your graveyard to place a True Light from your hand, deck, or graveyard face-up on your field or use her as synchro material for Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon. True Light allows for some awesome grind games because it can revive a Blue-Eyes White Dragon every turn and Centur-Ion Auxila protects it from card effect destruction. Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon is a strong boss monster that can negate graveyard effects and tribute itself to summon a light dragon synchro from your extra deck, such as Crimson Dragon or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon is an even stronger boss monster that can negate any card on the field to gain an extra 1000 attack for the turn and it can revive a Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon from your graveyard if it is destroyed by battle or card effect.
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