Spirit with Eyes of Blue

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Card Text

1 Level 4 or lower Dragon or Spellcaster monster
You cannot Special Summon, except Dragon monsters. You can only use each of the following effects of "Spirit with Eyes of Blue" once per turn. If this card is Link Summoned: You can take 1 "Mausoleum of White" from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the GY. You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster from your hand or GY, but if you Special Summon an Effect Monster from the GY, it cannot attack, also its effects are negated.

TCGplayer Sets

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Cards similar to Spirit with Eyes of Blue
Card: Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonCard: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit DragonCard: Wishes for Eyes of BlueCard: Blue-Eyes Spirit DragonCard: Vision with Eyes of BlueCard: Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate DragonCard: Priestess with Eyes of BlueCard: Maiden with Eyes of Blue
Decks with Spirit with Eyes of Blue
Banlist History for Spirit with Eyes of Blue
No Banlist Data for this Card.
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