Duel LinksCommon CharityTCGOCG

Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon

Views: 1,333,095 Views this Week: 14,852

Card Text

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Blue-Eyes" monsters
Neither player can Special Summon 2 or more monsters at the same time. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when an effect of a card in the Graveyard is activated: You can negate the activation. During either player's turn: You can Tribute this Synchro Summoned card; Special Summon 1 LIGHT Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck in Defense Position, except "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon", but destroy it during the End Phase of this turn.

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Cards similar to Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
Card: Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonCard: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit DragonCard: Wishes for Eyes of BlueCard: Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate DragonCard: Spirit with Eyes of BlueCard: Blue-Eyes Alternative White DragonCard: Vision with Eyes of BlueCard: Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons
Decks with Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
Banlist History for Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
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