This deck is an improved version from the deck I made here.
Major differences:
- Fleshed out the extra deck to cover more situations. Some notable examples: Cross-Sheep is an excellent starter to add effects on subsequent Extra Deck summons. Akashic Magician when paired with Ceruli, Guru of Dark World makes for an excellent way to demolish your opponent's hand. Other cards are typical staples add extra power, negations, or protections to the extra deck.
- Removed less-than-ideal or situational main deck cards, particularly Dark World spells and traps.
- Restructured the Branded engine. Three copies of Branded Fusion proved to be unneccesary and occasionally downright bad if more than one copy is drawn. Instead, I dropped it down to one copy. Since Dark World and Danger monsters almost never normal summon, Aluber the Jester of Despia serves as the deck's only normal summon to search Braded Fusion. Aluber also can bait out negates like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring at no detriment to the Danger Dark World engine.
- Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon added as a new major boss monster by removing some cards and adding Dark Magician. This would probably be the best target for your opponent to prevent you summoning, so it almost serves as a "spoof" engine. If you summon Dragoon, fantastic, as it's an amazing boss monster with negates and protections; if not your Dark World engine can resume without it.
- Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju was a much needed addition to wipe opponent's "untouchable" monsters. It's Fiend type also allows Muckraker From the Underworld to summon it from grave for a decent beatstick.
- The side deck was tailored to handle more specific threats. The remaining slots can always be filled with Danger! cards for more draws and summons, facilitating further link summons. Limited staples like Called by the Grave and Harpie's Feather Duster are always helpful. Added Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to use when necessary. Denko Sekka was added to combat backrow-heavy decks like certain Kashtira variants and Traptrix