Consists of cards mostly from 3x Dark World structure decks with a few cards brought over from the Albaz Strike structure decks (also 3x). Only Muckraker From the Underworld is not found in these structure decks, as with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring in the side deck.
Main Deck Overview:
- Danger! cards facilitate easy Special Summons and draw power. Can add Nessi or Chupacabra for better flow, but come at an increased price. Danger! cards also make for easy link material.
- Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, and Genta, Gateman of Dark World are the main "meat" of the deck, utilizing their discard and summon effects to build a board of strong monsters.
- Snoww, Unlight of Dark World, Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, and Ceruli, Guru of Dark World are other useful Dark World discard effects. Notably, Snoww can search any Dark World card you may otherwise have to draw.
- Dark World spells pair with Dark World monster effects to utilize discard effects and summon the Grapha fusion.
- The Gates of Dark World is an essential field spell (easily searched with Genta) to help cycle Dark World monsters, load up the front row, and trigger other Dark World discard effects.
- Branded Fusion easily places Fallen of Albaz and another dark monster in grave to summon Lubellion (usually sending Grapha or Reign-Beaux to grave to easily special summon themselves from grave later). Lubellion effect can place another Dark World monster to grave while simultaneously summoning Mirrorjade and cycling Fallen of Albaz back into deck for a later use of Branded Fusion.
- Foolish Burial Goods can send Dark World Accession to grave for fusion summon with additional Dark World monster discard, or can send Dark World Punishment to protect Dark World monsters on the board.
- Card Destruction can cycle out a less-than-ideal hand while triggering Dark World discard effects.
Extra Deck Overview:
- Muckraker From the Underworld is an easy link summon that triggers more Dark World discard effects and can bring additional fiends from grave.
- Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World fuision monster is an insanely strong beatstick that can negate any monster effect, normal spell, or normal trap once per turn.
- Lubellion the Searing Dragon is almost exclusively used to summon Mirrorjade.
- Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon is a strong beatstick monster with an easy monster removal effect (usually sending the dead Lubellion from extra deck for cost). Mirrorjade's grave effect wipes opponent's front row in the End Phase
Side Deck Overview:
- Danger! Thunderbird can be subbed in for slightly better draw power. Easily can be switched with nearly any other Danger! monster if you're willing to pay more for them.
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring for more interruptions.
- Dark World Lightning and Dark World Puppetry to enhance Dark World monster capability if needed (rarely used these in tournaments)
- Skill Drain to lock down effects (Warning: this does affect your monsters too. Use situationally when absolutely necessary)
- Deck Devastation Virus shuts down some meta decks with weaker monsters, namely Sprights and a few of the Traptrix monsters. If willing to pay more, Eradicator Epidemic Virus serves a similar purpose, using Grapha or Reign-Beaux as easy tributes
Main weaknesses noticed:
- Drawing Fallen of Albaz turn 1 is generally very bad. If sniped by Danger! effect, Branded Fusion cannot be played. If going second, Fallen of Albaz can be normal summoned, attempting to use opponent's monsters as material for Lubellion (if dark attribute) or directly into Mirrorjade (if they have extra deck monsters on the board). Fallen of Albaz is usually best sent from the deck.
- Drawing more than 1 Branded Fusion bricks your hand significantly. Can remove copies as needed, but then limits the Branded combo likelihood
- Called By The Grave, opponent Ash Blossom, and Ghost Belle completely shut down Dark World grave effects and Branded Fusion.
- Deck is significantly lacking in draw power. If you utilize Danger!s, Dark Worlds, and Braded Fusion all in one turn, you can often be left without a hand. Maintaining at least 1 card in hand is absolutely essential for the Grapha fusion effect, but more cards in hand is always better for further discard power. You could fill the extra deck with more cards of your choice and potentially sub in Pot of Prosperity or Pot of Extravagance for enhanced draw power (Ceruli and 2x Dark World Archives are what I would sub out for Pots). These cards can fetch a hefty price, however