The new White Destiny Support is here and with it Brick-Eyes is no more(well kinda) we still have a decent ammount of bricks but also a lot of starters , one card combos and extenders.
The deck aims for a midrange gameplan , settup a board with some interactions and strong/hard to remove monsters with good resource recovery options to sustain on longer games. Then go for game whenever you find an opening with cards like Indigo-Eyes Silver Dragon you can produce lethal easily.
Main Deck
Blue-Eyes White Dragon on 3 copies because we want some copies to be in Deck to be used with Dictator of D. for extending, also Blue-Eyes White Dragon finds itself in the Graveyard easily through Mausoleum of White / Dictator of D.. Also the most important reason for 3 copies is to stay faithfull to its origins, you can make do with 2 copies more efficiently but eh bit of consistency drop.
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon is an overall good Blue-Eyes monster , can be special summoned with The White Stone of Ancients , provides blanket protection and has a good battle effect to bounce stuff on top of special summoning itself whenever something gets destroyed , helpfull if you want to push for lethal.
Neo Kaiser Sea Horse is the new extender , can special summon itself if there is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field and can modulate the levels of light tuners(including itself) so you can make a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon by using its effect on itself to make it lv3 + a lv1 tuner + a lv8 Blue-Eyes. Also it send Blue-Eyes related monster to the GY whenever it is sent to the GY , usually The White Stone of Ancients .
Dictator of D. is the old extender but this one is a special summon that special summons , so you can get 2 monsters on the field without using your normal summon off this card and a discard from your hand. Also its effect can special summon any Blue-Eyes monster so you can reccur monsters like Dragon Spirit of White.
The White Stone of Ancients is mostly used to get Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon to the field easily.
Sage with Eyes of Blue is our normal summon searcher for level1 light tuners(mostly Maiden of White ) also it can discard itself to target an effect monster you control to send it to the GY to special summon a Blue-Eyes from deck , which combos nicely with Maiden of White .
Maiden of White is the main card of the one card combo (combo will be explained below on Combos category), we always want to see this card since it can get us True Light without giving Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring a window to trigger, and it also places True Light face up ready to be used. Also it recurrs itself whenever Blue-Eyes White Dragon is special summoned so you can get to Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon very easily.
Master with Eyes of Blue is a nice addition it can help extend plays or recurr Blue-Eyes monsters.
True Light is mostly here to get fetched with Maiden of White so we can use its effect to search for our Blue-Eyes cards(mostly Wishes for Eyes of Blue )
Wishes for Eyes of Blue is a two card searcher (one lv1 light tuner and one Blue-Eyes related spell/trap) but it requires you to discard a card first so its a 2 for 2 trade, but it also hurts you a lot if you get hit with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring here because you lose 2 cards for 1 of your opponents. 3 copies of it are important since it can fetch us Maiden of White , note that it can also fetch us Effect Veiler if you dont need anything else, to further strengthen your plays. Its graveyard effect allows you to equip a Blue-Eyes fusion from your Extra Deck onto a Blue-Eyes you control(will be Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon so you can use the Blue-Eyes equiped with it to go into Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon so the Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon goes to the GY so it can use its negate and destroy effect for effects that target your Blue-Eyes monsters).
Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons is a new card as well that gets you a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from anywhere(even banishment) except Hand, but it can also get you a Blue-Eyes monster if you already have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field plus it has a graveyard effect to fusion summon if you are stuck out of plays.
Mausoleum of White would not make the cut if the new link1 Spirit with Eyes of Blue did not get it for free , so we are using it since it is pretty much always accesible at one copy. It allows you for an extra normal summon of lv1 light tuners which allows you to extend further and it can throw Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the graveyard if you need it there.
Majesty with Dragons of White is a Blue-Eyes related card you can fetch with Wishes for Eyes of Blue if you dont need anything else and want to get more interaction , also if you opt to play Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon , it can ritual summon it by banishing this card from the graveyard even during the Battle Phase to push for lethal.
Ultimate Fusion is another Blue-Eyes related interaction card it can be used with 2 Blue-Eyes for Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon for 2 pops or 3 materials for Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon for 3 pops.
Droll & Lock Bird , Effect Veiler , Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring as our 3 of each Main Deck handtraps.
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring is the traditional handtrap for every deck , hits every searcher(which is the game of yugioh for a couple years now), Droll & Lock Bird is either devastating or minimal/no hinder to opposing plans , depending on their deck and hand but its is a Lv1 Spellcaster which allows us to use it to go into Spirit with Eyes of Blue .
Effect Veiler is often times considered a worst Infinite Impermanence but since the options for strong monster negate handtraps are low , it finds its place in multiple Decklists. Same for our Deck but it also has the added benefit of beeing a lv1 Light Spellcaster Tuner which synergizes with our deck greatly , it can be used as link material for Spirit with Eyes of Blue , it can be searched with Sage with Eyes of Blue or Wishes for Eyes of Blue , it can be extra normal summoned with Mausoleum of White or it can just be used as a tuner if you need it.
Extra Deck
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is our 3 material Ultimate Fusion target , im using 2 of these because we need at least one coppy for Wishes for Eyes of Blue extra effect for our initial standard combo and also have one remaining in case game stalls out much and you draw Ultimate Fusion and you can use it on an empty field to OTK. Also it can be used for 3 pops interaction through Ultimate Fusion and 3 Blue-Eyes as materials.
Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon exists so that Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon can go to the graveyard easily.
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon is an option for Ultimate Fusion with 2 materials if 3 are unavailable , also its a good card to break some boards since it can banish stuff it battles.
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon is our usual lv9 synchro dragon , it is easily summonable since it only needs a lv8 Blue-Eyes and a lv1 tuner which our whole Deck consists of, it is great against Graveyard focused Decks or Decks that summon a lot of stuff at once like Pendulum, and then it can tag out for another synchro like Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon .
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon is another Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon option to tag in , or if you need some protection overall.
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon is the new lv12 Synchro, has an omni negate on the field , shields your graveyard from enemy banishment effects and floats into any Blue-Eyes monster when destroyed on top of beeing able to get cheated out via Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon for a turn. And also it floats into another Light Dragon monster from your GY when it gets destroyed.
Indigo-Eyes Silver Dragon is a great card to finish off games with , on summon it negates all enemy faceup card effects and then it can detach a matterial to get you a Blue-Eyes on the field from the GY with extra +1000 ATK resulting on a negated opposing field and 2 bodies with 4K ATK each , so beside any handtraps/facedown cards/GY effects , you are free to go for lethal.
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder is our backup for if Indigo-Eyes Silver Dragon fails to kill , you slap Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder on it and prepeare for the opposing turn.
Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres is the usuall dragon link2 , stuff go wrong? Seals, remaining dragons on the field? Seals, helps you keep some interaction on the field to prepare for the opposing turn by beeing able to bounce stuff and then special summon a dragon.
Spirit with Eyes of Blue is the new link1 that fetches the field spell Mausoleum of White on its own it can convert any lv4 or less spellcaster/dragon to a Blue-Eyes White Dragon also if you have to , you can send Mausoleum of White to the GY directly , to access Burst Stream of Destruction .
Side Deck
Cosmic Cyclone for problematic spell/traps like Runick Fountain , Fire King Island .
Nibiru, the Primal Being and Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion as additional handtrap options.
Burst Stream of Destruction for a Raigeki that is searchable via Mausoleum of White or Wishes for Eyes of Blue .
The Ultimate Creature of Destruction against decks that would have problems dealing with these protections.
Called by the Grave to help us against handtraps , mostly Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring on our Wishes for Eyes of Blue
The main combo for Maiden of White consists of:
Maiden of White on Hand/Field(using One for One or Sage with Eyes of Blue to get it if needed), you use its effect to send itself to the GY to set True Light directly from the Deck , or anywhere(not banishment) if its not the first turn.
Then you use True Light 's effect to set Wishes for Eyes of Blue from the Deck.
Use Wishes for Eyes of Blue by discarding any card, to get yourself a Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons and a Lv1 Light Tuner(you have versatility on what to get , remember that you can just grab Effect Veiler as an extra negate.
Use Roar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons to special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Deck which then triggers Maiden of White to special summon itself.
Use Wishes for Eyes of Blue from GY to equip Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon from Extra Deck on the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and tribute it for Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon so Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon goes to the GY to have its negate effect live.
From here you can go to a variety of options , overall you want to end on Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon if you can since it can negate a graveyard effect and then tag to Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon for a field omni negate.
So you can either use the Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon with Maiden of White to get into Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon or use Maiden of White to get into Dragon Spirit of White to get Mausoleum of White and then tribute itself for Blue-Eyes White Dragon then normal summon the Lv1 Tuner you got from Wishes for Eyes of Blue and get into Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon (if you opt for this option , The White Stone of Ancients is a good choice so you can also get Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon on the End Phase or Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon for Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon as follow up next turn.