This Deck is optimized on spamming the Board with LV8- monsters to get into number 97, special number C107 with number 107 as Material through Draglubion's effect and then go for OTK. Otherwise, if you go first, you can do the standart Guarddragon-Combo with Oviraptor to get a board ending up with Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon (grave negation + Board Protect), Number 90 or 38 (monster effect or Spell Negation) and eventually a Solemn or a Handtrap.
At first, i thought building a smaller Deck would be better. The Problem: Bricks (and i'm not talking about the blue-eyes)
You don't wanna draw Carboneddon, Flamvell-Guard, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Dragons Ravine or World Chalice Guarddragon.
So we play 60 cards in this deck. 3 Trade-in, 2 Allure of Darkness, 3 Melody of Awakening Dragon and multiple Dangers gives the Deck enough draw-power. 3 Oviraptor plus 3 Fossil Dig will ensure that you can start your guardragon-combo. Another method is discarding jackalope (melody, his own effect or one for one) to special the 1 copy of mothman. Normal a level 1 tuner and you've got your Ib.
The Dangers themselve are limited to 2 Jacks (specials lv8 from the deck), 1 Nessie (3rd Jack) and 2 Bigfoot, 1 Thunderbird + 1 Mothman as the Targets for Jack. They just enable more LV8-Spam.
The blue-eyes-engine is cutted to save space for generic extenders. The 3 new dragons from Chaos Impact are doing quite a good Job in this Deck. Nebula specials himself and a bricky blue-eyes (or a second copy of himself, Spiral Dragon Bulge) after you summoned your blue-eyes alternative.
Spiral Dragon Bulge is a super target for Trade-in or the melody, though it can activate his effect to special itself if you control 2 or more light/dark dragons in the grave too. You can also dropp it with the effect of Seyfert to search another LV8 Dragon that's more useful at this moment.
Seyfert is only at 1 because of the fact that we already have 2 good normal summons. Although, Seyfert needs a dragon for cost. You don't alway have that additional dragon, but sometimes it's a good extender. Our main goal is to normal Oviraptor for Guardragon-combo and than go off with our Rank 8 Plays.
Each one of the big chaos-Monsters is only included once. Reason: Each of them has pros and cons.
Levianier: pro: most variable, searchable via melody, needs 3 light/darks in the grave. Sometimes not possible first turn.
Chaos Emperor: Last hope(after errata almost never used), searchable via melody, only needs 2 Monsters in grave, easy LV8 Spam
Black Luster: A random banish that is so easy to get. Sad that you can't search it through melody.
Gizmek Orochi is another good extender. Similar to Spiral Dragon Bulge, you can drop him of with any Kind of effect and special him back through his effect. And he is LV8.
For the LV8-Monster that can't special themselve from grave, you use Return of the Dragon Lords (which is an additional protection as it lays in the grave), World legacy Succesion and the classical Monster Reborn.
Due to the fact that we don't have a searchable counter in here like Zefra or Orcust, we include a playset Solemn Judgement. This makes our Life Points unimportant. Therefore we use one Destrudo as extender.
The limitating factor of this Deck ist the Size of the Extra-Deck. Otherwise you could play an additional Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss as second Agarpain-Target, Black Rose Moonlight and Michael the Arch-Lightsworn as Blue-Eyes Spirit-Dragon Targets (bounce, crush) which you could transform into a Crystal Wing Synchro.
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrant, Aegaion the sea castrum, Number 23 Lanzelot, Number 68 Sanaphond the Sky Prison and the Galaxy-Eyes Monsters would be also good Additions ( Number 62, Cipher, Cipher Blade, Full Armor Photon e.g. ) for some Situations.
Even the Link-Monster are just a small Lineup due to lack of space. No Borrel-Monsters (BLS as a Replacment), no Triple-Burst, no Linkuriboh or the Knightmares. The Extra-Deck is too tight.