2025-03-17 03:13:24
+ 1Bahamut Shark+ 1Atlantean Marksman+ 1Deep Sea Artisan+ 1Abyss-scale of the Kraken+ 1Abysstrite, the Atlantean Spirit+ 1Adamancipator Risen - Dragite+ 1Raigeki+ 2Abyssrhine, the Atlantean Spirit+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 2Icejade Ran Aegirine+ 3Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince+ 1Mermail Abyssturge+ 2Moray of Greed+ 2Mermail Abyssteus+ 1The Ice-Bound God+ 1Mermail Abyssalacia+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1Aqua Jet Surface+ 1LeVirtue Dragon+ 1Ice Barrier+ 3Atlantean Heavy Infantry+ 1Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 3Mermail Shadow Squad+ 1Dark Ruler No More+ 2Mermail Abysspike+ 1Poseidra Abyss, the Atlantean Dragon Lord+ 1Abyss-steam+ 1Fishborg Launcher+ 2Pot of Avarice+ 1Mermail Abyssgunde+ 1Mermail King - Neptabyss+ 1Floodgate Trap Hole+ 2Deep Sea Minstrel+ 1Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi+ 3Atlantean Dragoons+ 1Mermail Abyssgaios+ 2Deep Sea Diva+ 2Marincess Coral Anemone+ 1Virtue Stream+ 2Abyss-sting Triaina+ 1Icejade Gymir Aegirine+ 1Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys+ 1Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth+ 1Toadally Awesome+ 1Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying+ 1Salvage+ 2Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean
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